The Kellywood Awards
For the Launch of Alice in La La Land, I put together a special event called the Kellywood Awards. I had the members of the Kellywood Academy (all the readers in my Facebook group) vote on awards, and then my characters joined us for a star-shuddered evening. The Event was hosted by popular Kellywood Late Night talkshow host Kenneth Long, and the list of attending celebrities was long and distinguished.
This event was held on Facebook as a series of posts that attending readers could comment on. I compiled all of the posts into one document to add to this bonus material. It’s 24k words long. That’s the length of a novella and may as well be one because it ells a complete story.
It’s told entirely by all of my book characters and contains all kinds of bonus material including character interviews, author interviews, playlists, teasers, excerpts, and even a special musical guest who sings us a song. Not to mention witty banter and trash talk between certain characters. It’s long, but I promise you’ll love it.
Also, on a side note, there were a few giveaways during the event, and those giveaways are mentioned in this post, but are obviously not applicable any longer. I just didn’t want to interrupt the dialogue by taking the giveaways out.
Post #1
Welcome/Alice and Dylan Introduction
Kenneth: Good evening esteemed members of the Kellywood Academy! I’m your host, Kenneth Long. Thanks for joining me to celebrate the release of Alice in La La Land. We’ve got a full line up for you tonight with guest appearances from some of the biggest names in Kellywood, including the amazingly talented, brilliant, hilarious, beautiful Kelly Oram herself, and a special musical performance by Kellywood’s own, Nate Anderson!
We’ll jump right into it tonight by introducing the guests of honor, the leading couple of Alice in La La Land, Alice Liddell and Dylan Reese. Alice, Dylan, thanks for coming! Why don’t you take a moment to introduce yourselves?
*Alice and Dylan look at each other*
Dylan: Ladies first.
Alice: You’re the famous TV star.
Dylan: It’s your name on the book cover.
Alice: Okay, okay. I’ll go first. *waves to the audience* Hey guys. I’m Alice. I recently turned eighteen, and I’m from the small town of Ansville, Texas. It’s about an hour east of Houston. I’m your typical all-American girl next door. I’m tall and slender with not much curves to brag about.
Dylan: I like your curves.
Alice: *shoots Dylan a look and ignores his comment* I have long blonde hair that I usually leave down and curl with a beachwaver. I have big brown eyes, dimples, and my style is on the conservative, preppy side.
Dylan: We’re working on that. My girl’s going to be a rock star. We’re creating a new look for her. She’s got that sweet wholesome thing going for her but we’re putting a spin on it. She’ll be preppy with an edge. The punked-out good girl. So hot.
Alice: *smirks* I’m a work in progress. And not just with my look. I was raised to be a serious academic.
Dylan: She’s brilliant.
Alice: I don’t know that I’m any more intelligent than anyone else. My IQ is completely average. I’ve just always studied hard. My mom’s been preparing me for the Ivy League practically since birth. I’ve got a 4.5 GPA and am in line for valedictorian. I’m a member of the academic decathlon team, the debate team, and the Junior Leaders of America.
Dylan: But that’s not who she is. That’s who her mom molded her into. *nudges Alice* Tell them who you really are.
Alice: *sighs* Again, I’m a work in progress. But deep down, I’m a musician. I think I was born with music in my soul. Despite my mom’s disapproval, I’ve always cultivated my musical talent. I’m self-taught on both the acoustic and electric guitar, I sing, and I’ve been writing songs for years. I recently started a band with my two best friends, Lexie and Matt. Lexie is our bassist, and Matt is on drums.
Dylan: See? Brilliant. She’s a musical genius. Her band’s going places. *throws his arm over Alice’s shoulder* You’ll be a bigger star than me in no time.
Alice: It’s not a competition. But TV stars are always more popular than musicians, and now you’re making the transitions into movies. Not to mention, you’re, you know… you. You’ll always be more famous than me.
Dylan: What do you mean, I’m me?
Alice: Gorgeous and charming? Friendly and nice with a bit of a naughty side? No one can resist a bad boy.
Dylan: *gives Alice a sly grin* Gorgeous and charming, huh?
Alice: *rolls her eyes* Like you don’t know that. *turns to the audience* He’s this generation’s James Dean. Shaggy blond hair that he can just run his fingers through and the messy look comes across totally sexy. Blue-green eyes you could drown in. 6’2” with a hard defined body that’s built but not too muscly. Yes, ladies there is a definite six-pack hiding under his shirt, but somehow he doesn’t look like a gym rat. And he’s always wearing jeans that fit just right and his signature leather jacket. He makes the girls swoon.
Dylan: Even you?
Alice: Psh, no. I would never swoon over a man.
Dylan: That’s not true. You literally almost passed out when you met—
Alice: *slaps a hand over Dylan’s mouth* OKAY then! Moving on. It’s not just Dylan’s looks that people love. It’s his charm and his talent, too. You, of course, know him from his role as Alaric on Supernatural High—the demon with a heart of gold. He makes a great villain.
Dylan: He’s actually more of an anti-hero, thank you very much. And it’s been a really fun role. I get to be evil and yet grudgingly good. Really, it’s perfect for me. I’m going to make the transition into movies though. TV is great and all, but if I do movies, I’ll get much more variety in the characters I play. I’m looking forward to the challenge.
Alice: You’ll do great. You’re very talented.
Dylan: More talented than Hunter Elliot?
Alice: *smirks* *rolls eyes at audience* He’s always fishing for compliments.
Dylan: The male ego is a fragile thing.
Alice: *snorts* Pretty sure yours is as durable as graphene.
Dylan: *side-eyes Alice* I take it that’s something strong?
Alice: Strongest substance on Earth.
Dylan: And you know this…how?
Alice: Academic decathlon. It’s a pretty standard science question. Anyway, graphene is strong, and your ego is every bit as impenetrable.
Dylan: Doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be fed occasionally. Got to keep its strength up somehow.
Alice: *huffs a laugh* All right, fine. You’re a million times more talented than Hunter, and you know it. Sexier too.
Dylan: *beams at Alice* Thanks baby.
Alice: Baby? Are we going with the pet names?
Dylan: *shrugs* Just testing it out. What do you think?
Alice: *considers* I’m okay with it. As long as you use it sparingly.
Dylan: Special occasions. Got it. I guess I can come up with several other terms of endearment or even a good nickname to switch things up.
Alice: I’m sure you’ll come up with something great. *looks at audience* He’s very creative. Aside from acting, he’s really into photography. You should see his photos. They’re incredible. He takes pictures of everything. All the time. He especially loves taking pictures of me, and no one has ever made me look more beautiful. Oddly enough, he hates selfies though.
Dylan: Selfies are crap.
Alice: My favorite picture of us is a selfie.
Dylan: Most selfies are crap.
Alice: Agree to disagree. I like selfies. Unless they’re duck face selfies.
Dylan: Ugh. Yes. Please, please, please never take a duck face selfie. If you start doing that, we might have to break up.
Alice: *laughs* Duck face selfies are a dealbreaker, huh? Good to know. What else is a dealbreaker for you?
Dylan: Cheating.
Alice: Naturally. Anything else?
Dylan: Eh. Probably not much. I’d put up with almost anything if it means I get to be with you.
Alice: Smooth.
Dylan: *winks*
Kenneth: You guys are good together. I haven’t seen such a natural couple since I had Brian and Ella Oliver on the show.
Alice: Brian and Ella are epic. We totally aspire to be like them someday. They fight more than Dylan and I do, though. We don’t argue much. Actually, it’s always been pretty easy with us.
Dylan: *nods in agreement* Some things are just right, you know?
Kenneth: That’s nice. So, back to the introduction. Acting and photography. Anything else interesting you’d like to add?
Dylan: *shrugs* Nothing too exciting. I’m eighteen too. Only four months older than Alice. I was born and raised here in Los Angeles. I’m an only child. Started in baby modeling as an infant, switched to acting when I was five. Been doing it ever since. I homeschooled in order to work around my acting career. I’m an extravert, and love to be around people, but I don’t really have a lot of super close friends. I don’t mind a good party or night at a club, but more often than not I’d rather just chill with my friends. I love to surf, but I don’t get much time for it and I’m definitely no pro. I like movies, of course. Suspense thrillers are my favorite. Rhett Kessler is my favorite actor. I play video games, but not like obsessively or anything. Mostly just to wind down at night. I love my car. A Tesla Roadster. Oh, and I’m a lefty. That’s very important.
Alice: Why is that important?
Dylan: Because we’re special, of course. Only ten percent of the population is left-handed. That makes me a rare gem.
Alice: Oh, you’re a rare gem, all right.
Dylan: *narrows eyes* I’m not sure I like your tone.
Alice: *smiles innocently*
*long pause*
Kenneth: I think you’re both great. Thanks for the introduction! I can’t wait to see how your story unfolds. Sounds like it will be fun. *turns to audience* Okay, academy members, you’ve gotten to know our stars a little, now it’s time we get to know you. In the comments, give us three interesting facts about you! We’ll start with Kelly, our guest of honor, because I think it’s fun to know a little more about the woman behind the curtain.
Kelly: Sure. I’ll play. Three interesting facts… hmm… Okay, fact one… Like Dylan, I am also a lefty.
Dylan: *sweet* Twinsies! *high fives Kelly*
Kelly: When I first learned how to write, I wrote in perfect mirror image. I tended to write from right to left instead of left to right and all of my letters were backwards. When I started school, I had to be retrained to write correctly. Part of that training was that I turned my paper sideways. So now, when I write, I turn my paper horizontally instead of vertically, and even though the letters all come out correctly and on the right lines, I’m technically writing from top to bottom and still starting on the right side of the paper and working my way left. I should totally learn to write Chinese.
Kelly: Fun fact #2… Growing up, I had a whole slew of pets. One was a cat named BJ. (Short for Betty Jane, you perverts!) Betty Jane is my grandma’s name, and my mom named the cat after her. But we did call the cat BJ and not Betty Jane. I’m not entirely sure if my mom was aware at the time what BJ stands for, but us kids all snicker about it now (because we’re immature) and we get some interesting reactions when we tell people about our childhood pet, BJ.
Kelly: And finally, fun fact #3… In high school I pretty much lived off of Mountain Dew and gummy bears. So much so, that at my 18th birthday party almost everyone who came brought a bag of gummy bears as a gift, and I ended up with like ten pounds of the chewy goodness. My vice of choice has since turned to Diet Coke instead of Mountain Dew. But I do still have an unhealthy relationship with gummy bears.
Kenneth: I love it! Thanks for sharing. Okay, academy members, let’s hear your fun facts!
Post # 2
Book intro with excerpts 1 & 2
Kenneth: Now that we’ve met our stars, let’s get a little insight on the book itself. Here to introduce it are Alice’s band mates, Lexie Mendenhall, and Matt Stevens.
Lexie: Hey guys! I’m Lexie, I play bass.
Mat: And I’m Matt, the sexiest drummer you’ll ever meet.
Lexie: *snorts* You know, saying that only makes you look like a douche. *frowns at Kenneth* Sorry, am I not supposed to say that word? What’s this thing tonight rated?
Kenneth: Well, it’s not something that’ll get you kicked out, but yeah, we should probably keep things family friendly.
Lexie: Right. Sorry. *slaps Matt* That means watch your mouth.
Matt: *pouts* Why are you hitting me? You’re the one who call me a douche.
Kenneth: *sighs* So, Lexie, Matt. Welcome. We’re so glad you could be here tonight. This is your debut appearance in a Kelly Oram book, right?
Lexie: You are correct, sir. Matt and I are brand spanking new.
Matt: If you can’t say douche, you can’t be talking about spanking either.
Lexie: It’s an expression, idiot. And it has nothing to do with spanking people, you pervert.
Kenneth: Um… how about we just get to the book, shall we? Want to tell us a little about it? What we can expect?
Matt: Expect greatness. With Al, Lexie, and me running the show, it’s a wild and crazy ride. Expect shenanigans. And fun. This one’s not as much of a tearjerker as some of Kelly’s other books.
Lexie: But there is still a bit of drama. Alice and her mother have a lot of issues to work through. And Alice’s dad… *blows out a big breath* Yeah, he’s a piece of work. The book is a romantic comedy, but it’s also a coming of age. Alice goes on a journey and has to learn how to take control of her life and go after what she really wants.
Matt: She has to grow some balls.
Lexie: Matt! *slaps Matt upside the head*
Matt: What? She does. She’s always done whatever her mom tells her to, but she’s about to be an adult. It’s time for her to figure out her shi— *Lexie pinches Matt* *Matt glares at Lexie* STUFF. She has to figure out her stuff, and stop being such an obedient Goody two-shoes before she ruins her whole life. That’s why she has us, though. We have no problem corrupting her.
Lexie: Neither does Dylan. He pushes her out of her box even more than we do. He’s good for her. Their romance is sweet and playful, and they have great chemistry. The book’s also got a lot of heart. There are ups and downs when Alice meets her dad’s side of the family, but the themes of friendship, family, and always being there for those you care about give the story some depth. It’ll give you the feels, as Kelly likes to say.
Kenneth: With the title Alice in La La Land, is it safe to assume this is a retelling of the Lewis Carroll book, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?
Matt: Well, yeah, kind of.
Lexie: It’s not a straight adaptation, though. That book doesn’t actually have enough of a solid plot for Kelly’s romance-structured brain. She mostly took the concept of a girl who finds herself in a strange new place and has a few adventures as she tries to find her way home. Except in this case, our Alice is finding herself instead of her way home.
Matt: You’ll see some similarities to the book, but even if you haven’t read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, or don’t like the story, you’ll still be able to enjoy Alice in La La Land.
Kenneth: That sounds great! Can we get a little sneak peek?
Matt: *blinks* Sneak peek of what? I thought you said this is supposed to be family friendly.
Kenneth: …
Lexie: *slaps a hand to her forehead and groans* A sneak peek of the book, moron. Not your junk!
Matt: *frowns* Well how was I supposed to know that?
Lexie: Anyone with more than one brain cell would have known that.
Matt: The last time someone asked me if they could get a peek, they weren’t talking about a book.
Lexie: *shudders* Ugh. Enough. I don’t need to hear that. Let’s just give the readers the excerpt they’re waiting for. I’ve got a good one.
Excerpt #1:
She talks about Los Angeles as if it’s the most natural decision in the world. I wish it were that simple, but how could I throw away an Ivy League education to go be a starving musician? I have no guarantees that I’ll ever make it. That choice seems irresponsible no matter how much I long for it. But maybe I can do the talent show. My future wouldn’t depend on it, and if I’m all set to go off to Yale, my mom will be annoyed, but she would get over it. It might be the closure I need to move forward. “Okay, I’ll think about it.”
Lexie nods as if she never doubted me and is sure I’ll eventually say yes. Matt grins and throws his arm over my shoulders, heading in the direction of my first class. “That’s our girl.”
I roll my eyes, but grin to myself, loving the sense of belonging. Matt and Lexie changed my life. I’ve always had friends. I’m not popular, but I’ve never been a loner or a reject. I was that smart girl who hung out with other smart people. I even had a boyfriend for a while last year. I was just never close with any of them the way I am with Lexie and Matt. I’ve never connected with anyone on such a deep level. Until I met them, I’d never found my people. At the very least, I should consider it because it’s their dream too, and they can’t do it without me.
Matt: *groans* Of course you’d pick a sappy one.
Lexie: It’s very touching, and it’s a good example of Alice’s internal conflict.
Matt: Booorrrring.
Lexie: *huffs* There is nothing boring about this book.
Matt: Yeah, but when people read an excerpt, they want to see the fun stuff.
Lexie: And, what, exactly, would you pick, oh great excerpt master?
Matt: I’m glad you asked. I have just the thing.
Excerpt #2
Toby chooses this moment to appear out of thin air. “Alice? Are you feeling better today? You look pale.”
He’s standing behind Dylan, frowning at me with concern. Lexie quickly stashes the magazine under the table. Dylan hunches his shoulders and pulls his hat even lower over his eyes. Toby frowns in his direction, so Matt distracts him. “Your flirting skills suck, Toby. Don’t you know you’re not supposed to tell a girl she looks like crap?”
I give Matt a flat look. That was the first thing he said to me this morning. He smirks back. But the distraction works. Toby glares at him. “That is not what I said. I’m concerned for her.”
“Right, because you think she looks like crap.”
“Stop putting words in my mouth, Stevens!”
I snicker, and Lexie smirks. Toby is too fun to wind up. Toby frowns at my laugh, looking so frustrated he might actually explode. “These two are a bad influence on you.”
I calm my giggles and nod. “Yeah. I know.”
Toby huffs in exaggeration and stomps off. The three of us burst into laughter. Matt wipes a tear from his eye. “I love messing with him so much.”
Lexie: That’s the excerpt you chose?
Matt: Um, yeah. And it’s awesome.
Lexie: It’s random. You just picked it because you like messing with Toby.
Matt: No. I picked it because it shows how Alice is starting to lighten up. I mean, this was one of the first times she wasn’t too nice to the guy. Don’t you enjoy seeing our little baby bird slowly spread her wings?
Lexie: Yeah, okay, I guess that’s fair.
Matt: *smirks* Plus, I do love messing with Toby. Now that guy is a douche.
Lexie: *kicks Matt* We’re not supposed to say douche.
Kenneth: And that’s all the time we have at the moment. Matt, Lexie, thanks for introducing the book! I think I can speak for all of us when I say we can’t wait to read it.
Post # 3
Teaser Photo and Giveaway #1
Kenneth: Welcome back everyone! Now we’ve met our stars and got our first introduction to the book, let’s move on to another reason we’re all here. Giveaways! We’ve got several goodie bags to give out tonight, but I’ll let Alice and Dylan tell you about this first one.
Dylan: Hey guys! Are we having fun so far? I know I’m getting pumped up for the book. I can’t wait for all of you to read it. And let’s give a hand for Lexie and Matt! How about that introduction? They’re a couple of characters, that’s for sure. You should see them when Alice is thrown into the mix. Definitely the three stooges.
Alice: Funny.
Dylan: But true.
Alice: Yeah. You’re right. We’re definitely something special. *smirks at Dylan* And we’re not even lefties.
Dylan: *shrugs* Not everyone can be perfect.
Alice: *snorts* Right. So yeah, the giveaway. As you may have noticed, the quote in this teaser talks about how those things that come naturally or easy to us are truly special. I know we’re here celebrating the release of Alice in La La Land, but one of the books that came easiest to Kelly was Cinder & Ella. And we all know it holds a special place in not just Kelly’s heart, but in the hearts of all the Academy members, so we asked if Brian and Ella would be willing to donate some cool swag on their behalf. They graciously agreed.
Dylan: So, for our first giveaway of the evening we’ll be giving out two Cinder & Ella swag packs. These include a keychain, a ribbon bookmark, and a couple of the cutest stickers you’ll ever see. You can thank Kelly’s husband Josh for them.
Alice: Josh is the brilliant artist behind the drawings, and responsible for designing all of the new Kellywood book covers. Awesome right? The man has talent.
Dylan: I’m kind of jealous. I wish we had our own cute sticker. Maybe I can bribe Josh into making us one.
Alice: Maybe if the book does well, we can talk him into doing a whole collection of them from all the different books. But, for now, Brian’s and Ella’s sticker will have to suffice. Plus, for kicks, we’ll throw in a signed post card from Girl at Heart and a Kelly Oram magnet into the swag pack. And we’ll wrap it all up in a pretty package for you.
Dylan: It’s a great prize, and you know you want it, so enter the giveaway by giving us one of your favorite quotes from either Cinder & Ella or Happily Ever After in the comments below!
Alice: Have fun and good luck! This giveaway will be open for 24 hours and is international!
Post #4
Kelly’s Writing Journey
Kenneth: All right everyone, we’re off to a great start. We’ve met the main cast of Alice in La La Land, and we’ve learned a little about the book and even gotten a couple of quick peeks. But that’s not the only reason we’re all here tonight. We’re here to celebrate all of Kelly’s books by holding the Kellywood Awards. Before we dive into the awards, let’s hear a little about Kelly Oram and the universe she’s created.
Kenneth: Kelly grew up telling stories. She was telling them even before she learned how to read and write. She has a “book” that she made when she was about four that her mother has kept all these years. It was her first book. She drew a bunch of pictures, that, because she was four, were really not much more than scribbles. But to her, they were a story, and she wanted to tell it, so she made her mom write the words to the pictures. It’s really cute.
Kelly: Thanks. I try.
Kenneth: And we’re all grateful you do. From there, Kelly continued to write books and stories. She’s got a whole box of them that she made in school over the years, and she has a collection of ribbons and certificates of writing awards that she got throughout her school career. But the interesting thing about Kelly is that, for all her instincts and love of writing and telling stories, she never considered being a writer when she grew up.
Kelly: It’s true. I wanted to be a train engineer through most of my adolescence. I loved trains. (Still do.) And I love road trips. I thought it would be fun to drive trains back and forth across the country. I used to collect model trains too. Loved them. Now, I live in a town that has tracks running through it, and I still love watching the trains pass through. It’s nostalgic. I’ve even traveled by train a couple times instead of driving or flying, just because I thought it would be fun. (It totally was!)
Kelly: After that, when I got to high school and discovered my love of music and singing, I thought that was the direction I should go. I started college as a voice performance major. But when I got into it, I decided as much as I loved it, I wanted to just keep singing just a hobby and not make a career out of it. It wasn’t the right fit for me, so I changed my major to general ed while I tried to figure out what I should do with my life. My third and final semester (I got very sick and had to drop out of college), I declared myself an outdoor recreation major. I love the outdoors and camping, hiking, fishing, and all that good stuff. I considered that maybe being a park ranger could be good for me, but then the more I looked into things, I decided I’d like to work with some of those youth camps for troubled teens or some kind of program like that. I love teenagers (probably why I chose young adult as my main genre to write in), and I love helping people, so I thought the combination of that while teaching them to do all the outdoors stuff would be a great career. If I hadn’t had to leave college, I probably would have stuck with it, and I can’t even imagine how different my life would be now.
Kenneth: So how did you get from there to international bestselling author?
Kelly: Well, funny story. After I got sick and had to leave school, I ended up meeting the love of my life before I could go back to school. We met and got married in a matter of a couple of months. We were a couple for two weeks and had exactly one date—if you could call it a real date—before we got engaged. Then, our engagement lasted about two months before we got married.
Kenneth: Two weeks?!
Kelly: Yup. It was an insane, crazy, whirlwind romance that definitely deserves its own novel. Also, we were completely insane, and I wouldn’t necessarily recommend taking such a fast approach to the whole finding-your-life-partner thing. But it worked for us. We’ve been married for 22 years now and have four amazing kiddos.
Kelly: Anyway, back to the original question, when we met and got married, I didn’t end up going back to school in Idaho, because my husband was in the film industry, and we moved to Los Angeles for his work. I worked in hotels for a bit until I had my first kid and quit to be a stay-at-home mom. (Because that’s the best job ever, and who can afford proper daycare in LA??) Definitely not us. We were broke as a joke! Daycare was going to cost more than my entire paycheck, so instead, I quit, and we figured out how to live on my husband’s income alone. Which, was next to nothing, as he had just gotten a job as the lowest guy on the totem pole at a small post production company. He was the guy who ordered lunch and ran the errands for the company. His job title was “runner.” Needless to say, he didn’t make the big bucks. So, we were a couple of newlyweds living in one of the most expensive parts of Los Angeles, living off one entry-level salary and we had a newborn baby. We had no cable TV, I had no car, no cell phone, and dial-up internet that cost money to use, so I basically had NOTHING to do but hang out with my baby all day while my husband was putting in 8-to-12-hour days at work. I was bored, lonely, and in desperate need of something “grown-up” to do.
Kelly: I had gotten a bit into writing fan fiction in high school, even though I didn’t realize fan fiction was a real thing at the time. I just had an inherent need to tell stories and an unhealthy obsession with the Backstreet Boys. A lethal combination, really. So my first novel was written when I was fifteen, and it was a book about how me and my two best friends went on a vacation—sans parents, of course—and we met the Backstreet Boys. They, of course, needed girls to be in their music video and asked us to do it, which led to us all hanging out and, ultimately, they all fell in love with us. Oh, yes, it is as bad as it sounds, but I’m stupidly proud of that novel and love it to pieces even though only me and said two best friends are the only people who have ever read it. I was fifteen, boy crazy, and a total fangirl with a wild imagination and a heart made for romance. Honestly, not much has changed over the years.
Kelly: So, “The Story,” which was never titled anything else, was written and sparked an integral part of me to life. But still, I never considered writing as a career path. I mean, I was just writing out my girly wildest fantasy, not attempting to create the next Great American Novel. It was just this weird secret hobby I had. But then I graduated, went to college, and eventually got married and my writing hobby was placed on a shelf while I was busy doing the “life” thing. Fast forward a couple years back to me being broke, bored, and lonely in LA, and suddenly I had time on my hands. How else was I going to fill the time when I had no money, no car, no family in the same city, and all of my friends were working full time? I started writing another story. And then I wrote another one. And another one.
Kelly: Eventually, we got good internet, and I learned that what I was writing was called fan fiction and that it was this huge, popular thing that had its own world. And there was even a ton of Backstreet Boys fanfiction! I got really into the whole community. I made friends, learned a lot about writing, shared my stories with people for the first time in my life, and even started writing in other fandoms besides just Backstreet Boys. I started winning a few fan fiction awards and had a lot of people tell me I should try to write “for real.” Not that writing fan fiction isn’t “real” writing, because it totally is, and there are some amazing fan fic authors out there! But they meant I should try to make writing a career. They told me I should try to get something published. Eventually, I heard it enough from enough people that I decided to give it a try. I was getting a little bored always writing about the same characters and being limited to the worlds of their fandoms. I wanted to create my own characters, with their own lore, and create my own worlds. And that’s when Jamie Baker was born.
Kelly: I wrote Being Jamie Baker by hand in spiral notebooks while sitting on the beach. The beach was free, and my kids liked to play for hours in the sand, and hello? Who doesn’t love sitting on the beach? Then, I’d come home, and at night, after the kids were in bed, I’d type up what I’d written on the computer. I think it took me about a year to write a version of Jamie that I felt was good enough to publish. But then I had this manuscript and no idea what to do with it, or what my next step to getting published would be. It’s not like I had a college degree in writing or publishing or anything. I had no idea what I was doing. I started researching how to publish a novel. I learned about querying agents and publishers and all that not-so-fun stuff. I spent a few months looking into it and learned about this new trend called self-publishing. It was pretty new then, and had a bit of a stigma to it. People believed only those who weren’t good enough to get published “for real” self-published, and that if you self-published you weren’t a “real” author. Which, we all know now, isn’t true, but back then, it was enough to make me hesitate even though the idea of doing everything myself intrigued me. I spent months researching, pondering, discussing my options with friends and family, and praying. Yes, I prayed. A lot. I’m a devout Christian who has fully embraced God in my life, and believe with all my heart that He listens to and answers prayers, and that He will give us guidance in our lives if we have faith and the courage to seek His help. Anyway, a lot of prayer and soul searching went into the direction I wanted to approach my career. Ultimately, I felt that self-publishing was the right choice for me, and in 2010 I published my first novel, Being Jamie Baker. The rest, as they say, is history.
Kelly: 13 years later, Alice in La La Land will be my 28th published novel, 31st if you count the three novellas I’ve published as well. I’m now translated into 14 languages. Soon to be 15—Hello, Italy! I’ve reached International Bestseller status and have had two books optioned for film. My entire life changed and moved in a direction that I never saw coming, but somehow was always meant to be. I love it! And I love the little universe I’ve created. The characters, the worlds, the stories, I love it. And I love being able to share my stories with so many people. It’s more fulfilling than I ever imagined.
Kelly: Most of my work is young adult, and again, I chalk that up to my love of teenagers and that time in life when people are growing into themselves and discovering who they’re meant to be. And I really love first loves. I started with Being Jamie Baker, which is a comic book sci-fi. I love a good superhero origin story. But then I started the contemporary romance, which I was more familiar with thanks to years of writing Backstreet Boys fan fiction. I guess you could say, YA contemporary romance is my sweet spot, but I could never stick to just that. I love fantasy just as much and sometimes I need to be able to get more creative, so I wrote the Supernaturals series and eventually started a penname for adult urban fantasy. I love it all. But I still have a special place in my heart for contemporary romance, especially celebrity romance.
Kelly: I adore rock star and movie star romance. I read a ton of it! Write what you know, right? After my years in Los Angeles while my husband worked in film, I got a little familiar with the industry and how it worked. Add to that my love of singing and musicians, and voilà, we have V is for Virgin. After that came Cinder & Ella, and the Kellywood Universe was born. Kellywood is now tied with the Underworld universe (from my penname) as my favorite of my worlds. I’ll probably continue to write books in the world. Though I promise no guarantees for which books will be written or when. Alice in La La Land is the 5th book in the universe. Arguably the 6th if you count If We Were A Movie. Technically, Movie is in the same universe, but it takes place years after the Virgin and Cinder & Ella books. If I ever write all the books I have planned in the universe, they will fill the gaps between the books, and I’ll officially add Movie to the universe. For now, Alice is #5 and Vivian’s story, Beauty and the Bachelor, will be next, coming this June. We’ll be revealing the Beauty and the Bachelor cover later today, so stick around!
Kelly: Anyway, now that you all know more than you ever wanted to about me and my writing journey (Um, hello, novelist. Lots of words is kind of my thing!), I’ll give the mic back to Kenneth and let you get on with the awards, which I know is what you’re really all waiting for.
Kenneth: It’s all good, Kelly. We’ve enjoyed having you share a bit about yourself with us. We’re glad you found your calling, no matter how you got here. And we look forward to many more stories from you. But, for now, let’s take a look back at the books you’ve already shared with us, and celebrate them. Before we get to the first award, let me leave you with the full list of Kelly’s current published works, just to refresh your memories for when we get into each award category. (Kelly Book List)
Post #5
Best Leading Lady
Kenneth: Okay, no more stalling. It’s time to get to these awards! As you are all aware, we asked the Kellywood Academy to vote for their favorites out of all the Kelly Oram books. Since we’re specifically here to celebrate Alice in La La Land, which is a Kelly Oram title, we decided to leave the Jackie May books, Kelly’s other books written under her penname, off the voting ballot this time. You guys really came through with the voting, and the results are interesting. Since it’s ladies first, we’ll start things off with Best Leading Lady. Here to introduce the category are Kelly’s favorite leading lady and her leading man, Eleanor Westley and Seth Bishop from Serial Hottie! Welcome Eleanor and Seth!
Ellie: It’s Ellie. Not Eleanor. Never Eleanor. Eleanor is a horrible grandma name that I was unfortunate enough to get saddled with because I was born on the stupid 4th of July, so my parents thought I needed a ‘strong, patriotic’ name. Thankfully, they stopped at Eleanor and didn’t make my middle name Roosevelt no matter how much my best friends try to tell people that.
Seth: Wow. Tell us how you really feel.
Ellie: *rolls eyes* You know I have no problem speaking my mind.
Seth: Or doing your own thing, either, apparently. *eyes Ellie’s jeans and Red Wings jersey* You do realize this is a formal event, right? You were supposed to dress up.
Ellie: Do you see any holes in these jeans? No. You don’t.
Seth: *sighs* I know. I was just really, really looking forward to seeing you in a beautiful dress.
Ellie: I was going to, but you should have seen the ruffled monstrosity Angela tried to make me put on. No way in hell was I going to be seen in that nightmare. Besides, Kelly doesn’t care. She’s the one who made me such a tomboy, and Kenneth just said I’m her favorite leading lady, so I think I’m okay.
Seth: *slides his arm around Ellie’s waist and pulls her close* You’re my favorite leading lady too, and you’re more than okay. *starts kissing Ellie’s neck*
Ellie: *elbows Seth* Seriously? Not now. We’re in public.
Seth: *pulls away with a wistful sigh* All right, let’s announce this category then, so we can find somewhere less public.
Ellie: *glares at Seth* Okay, so, the first award tonight is for Best Leading Lady in a Kelly Oram Book. While every female lead was on the ballot, we’ve taken the top five as finalists. Those top five women are, in no particular order…
Seth: Jamie Baker from Being Jamie Baker.
Ellie: Jamie definitely got my vote. She’s a total badass. Next, we have Virgin Val Jensen from V is for Virgin.
Seth: And my favorite, other than Ellie, of course, Charlie Hastings from Girl at Heart. I guess I have a thing for tomboys. *waggles his eye brows at Ellie*
Ellie: *rolls eyes, but can’t hold back a smirk* Ella Rodriguez from Cinder & Ella. Also a badass in her own right. And, damn, is her boyfriend hot.
Seth: *side-eyes Ellie* And our final leading lady for the evening is Lily Rosemont from The Starburst Effect. Lily’s a good choice. Really strong character. Patience of a saint. Unlike some of Kelly’s other characters. *slyly points a thumb at the girl next to him*
Ellie: *scoffs* I have patience.
Seth: *snorts*
Ellie: Shut up! I do. Let’s just announce the winner already. I’m tired of waiting.
Seth: *bursts into laughter*
Ellie: *punches Seth on the arm*
Seth: *rubs his now-sore arm* Okay, okay. And the winner, chosen by the Kellywood Academy, as the Best Leading Lady in a Kelly Oram Book is…
Ellie: Ella Rodriguez, Cinder & Ella!
Ella: *makes her way to the stage and accepts the award from Seth* *grins at the audience* Wow! Thank you so much! This is an honor. And such a surprise. I don’t know what to say. I was just happy to be among such amazing company. I mean, Val, talk about a strong woman. She’s such an inspiration to me! You’ll be President in no time, Val, I’m sure of it!
Val: *grins at Ella* That’s the goal! Thanks, Ella. If you’re interested in politics, let me know. You’d be a great Vice President.
Ella: *snorts* Yeah, I don’t think leaving the country in my hands would be the smartest choice for America. I think I’ll just stick to the title of Best Leading Lady in a Kelly Oram Book. *stares at the award like she can’t quite believe it* Seriously, though. Thank you. I don’t know how a guy like Brian sees something special in me, much less all of you. I’m just a snarky, self-righteous fantasy geek. And I’m a brat. Just ask Brian.
Brian: You’re definitely a brat. But that’s what we love about you. You’re also beautiful, smart, strong, and courageous. You’re a star. An inspiration. And people love you. Just accept it.
Ella: *smirks* Well, if you insist. I suppose I am kind of brilliant.
Brian: And egotistical.
Ella: What did you expect? I spend too much time with you.
Brian: Funny.
Ella: But true. *holds up award* Thank you for this! I love you all! And I can’t wait to see you all again in Alice in La La Land!
Post # 6
Best Leading Man
Kenneth: Congratulations Ella! To keep things moving, we’re going to slide right into the next award, Best Leading Man in a Kelly Oram Book. Here to introduce the category are her favorite leading man, Russ Devereaux, and his best friend Ethan Dunn from the Supernaturals series.
Russ: *throws his arm around Ethan’s shoulders* I think you mean my brother from another mother, Kenneth.
Ethan: How come you’re Kelly’s favorite? My book is her favorite one in the series.
Russ: I’m her favorite because I’m charming, of course.
Ethan: Most of Kelly’s leading men are charming. That doesn’t make you special.
Russ: Yeah, but I’m more charming. Plus, I’m also gorgeous.
Ethan: *snorts* Name one of Kelly’s leading men who isn’t.
Adam: I’m not. I’m very average looking.
Libby: If by average you mean totally sexy. Unicorn sexy.
Adam: *rolls eyes*
Russ: No, Libby’s right, man. You’re a good-looking guy. And not Kelly’s typical leading man. I totally voted for you.
Ethan: *clears throat* Pretty sure you voted for yourself.
Russ: Yeah, but I almost voted for Adam. He was my second choice.
Ethan: And here I thought I’d be your second choice. I am your brother from another mother, after all.
Russ: Nah, you’re too awesome to be second place. You’re tied for first with me. But I’m still Kelly’s favorite because I’m more charming, more handsome, and more sarcastic than you. Plus, I’m a magical badass.
Ethan: You might be more charming than me, but better looking? I don’t think so. I’m angelic. Everyone knows angels are the prettiest of all species. And you might be a Devereaux warlock, but I’m a freaking avenging angel. I can whoop you in a fight.
Russ: For now. One day I’ll beat you though.
Ethan: It’s cute that you think so.
Russ: Fine. You’re more of a badass than me, but I’m still Kelly’s favorite because you’re too good. Kelly likes her men to have a naughty side, and everyone knows I have a streak of the devil in me.
Ethan: *snorts* Literally.
Russ: *flips Ethan the bird*
Ethan: If you’re Kelly’s favorite, it’s because you’re emotional. You know she likes a little bit of drama, and she likes her men sensitive and vulnerable. You’re effeminate.
Russ: And you’re a jackass. I am not effeminate. Gabe is effeminate.
Ethan: Hardly. Gabe is quiet, but there’s nothing effeminate about him. You just don’t like him.
Russ: He’s a goober!
Ethan: But not effeminate. You, on the other hand…
Russ: I am not effeminate!
Ethan: Where were you this morning?
Russ: I went with Grace to get facials and pedicures. Why?
Ethan: *laughs*
Russ: *rolls his eyes* Appreciating a good spa treatment doesn’t make a man effeminate.
Ethan: Agree to disagree. And if you’re Kelly’s favorite anything, you’re her favorite character to torture, and you can totally keep that title.
Russ: *sigh* Sadly, I can’t argue with you there. Kelly definitely gets sadistic pleasure out of writing my story lines. What’s up with that, anyway? Why is it always me who gets crapped on?
Ella: Um, hold up. You’re not the only one Kelly tortured. Have you read my book?
Russ: I read the part where you got your magical fairy tale ending. You remember where Kelly left me?
Ella: *winces* *smiles sympathetically* I’m sure Kelly’s planned the most epic happy ending for you of any character ever. You are her favorite, after all.
Russ: *scoffs* She may have planned something amazing, but it’s not like I’ll ever see it. She’d have to finish Priest—
Kelly: Hey guys! We don’t have all night. Maybe you should announce the award!
Russ: *gives Kelly a bland look* I see what you did there. But, since I’m your favorite, I’ll let it slide. This time.
Kelly: *grins* Love you, Rusty!
Russ: Dude! Not cool.
Ethan: Okay, Rusty, let’s announce the top five finalists now.
Russ: Don’t call me Rusty, asswipe.
Matt: Hey! If I can’t say douche, he can’t say asswipe!
Ethan: We all know Russ is a potty mouth. There’s no stopping him.
Russ: Like you’re one to talk.
Ethan: *grins* That’s why we’re such good friends.
Russ: True. Okay. Fine. Let’s do this. The top five leading men in a Kelly Oram book are, in no particular order…
Ethan: Brian Oliver from Cinder & Ella.
Russ: *snorts* There’s a big surprise.
Ethan: Don’t be jealous.
Russ: I’m not jealous. I’m just not surprised. That’s different.
Ethan: Okay, how about this then, the next finalist is Ryan Miller, from the Jamie Baker series.
Russ: Yeah. Still not surprised. Ryan is awesome.
Ethan: Then there’s Grayson Kennedy from The Avery Shaw Experiment.
Russ: Totally deserved, and predictable.
Ethan: Kyle Hamilton, V is for Virgin.
Russ: Obvious. I could have told you that.
Ethan: Fine, if you’re so smart, tell me who the last guy is. Without looking.
Russ: Me, of course. No way was I not one of the top five.
Ethan: Wrong. It’s actually… *reads card in his hand* Oh. Huh. It is you. Congrats, dude.
Russ: *beams smugly* I told you so.
Ethan: But you’re tied with Jace King from Girl at Heart for that final spot.
Russ: Huh. Now, that one I didn’t see coming. Jace is cool, though. I don’t mind sharing first place with him.
Ethan: First place? Someone’s optimistic.
Russ: Prove me wrong.
Ethan: Okay. The award for Best Leading Man in a Kelly Oram Book goes to… *opens results envelope* *smirks at Russ* Brian Oliver, Cinder & Ella!
Russ: *sighs*
*crowd cheers*
Brian: *joins them on the stage and accepts the award* *smiles at the audience* You guys, this is… Thank you. You academy members are the heart and soul of Kellywood. For you to vote me as your favorite leading man… It’s humbling. Thank you. Thank you so much. And thank you to Kelly for making me the kind of man you can all be proud of. Though, a leading man is really no better than his leading lady, and Ella is in a league all her own. So thank you, Kelly, for blessing me with such an amazing woman as well. You guys are awesome! I’ll see you soon in Alice in La La Land!
Post #7
Best Supporting Character
Kenneth: Up next, we have the award for Best Supporting Character in a Kelly Oram Book! They may not be the hero or heroine, but they always have a special place in our hearts. Here to introduce the category is a very special supporting character, Spencer Schott from The Ghost of You and Me.
Spencer: Hey Kenneth! Hey everyone! I’m so jazzed to be here tonight, you have no idea! *frowns and scans the audience* You guys can see me, right?
*heads bob up and down in the audience*
Spencer: *wipes imaginary sweat off his forehead* Whew. That’s good. I had to get special permission to be here tonight, and sometimes crossing the veil can be tricky. I’m glad we’re all good. So…best supporting character… If you ask me, this character is sometimes the most important role in a book. And I’m not just saying that because I’m a supporting character.
Ella: Thank you! *elbows Brian* See? He gets it. Main characters are awesome, but a book wouldn’t work without a best supporting character. And sometimes those characters are just better than the leading characters.
Libby: Right you are, little lady!
Brian: *sighs* I know, I know. Ella was the real hero. We can argue about it later.
Spencer: You know? I kind of agree with Ella on this one. Ellamara was a great character. She made Cinder who he was. Without her, there would have been no story.
Brian: *scoffs* There would have been no book without PRINCE CINDER either.
Spencer: True. Main characters make the book possible. I’m just saying they can’t do it without the help of a best supporting cast. Often, the spiritual guide who helps the hero or heroine along their journey, keeping them on the right path when their circumstances can cloud their judgement. *throws Wes and Bailey a pointed look* Or pointing out the obvious when two people are too stubborn to see the truth in front of their faces.
Bailey: That is not what happened, Spencer. Our situation was…complicated.
Spencer: Only because you made it complicated. That’s why you guys needed me to step in. And admit it, I brought a certain charm to the book.
Bailey: *grins* Not arguing there. You are definitely a charming guy.
Wes: *snickers* For a nerd.
Bailey: Which is how he won my heart in the first place.
Spencer: *stares longingly at Bailey* Love you, Bay.
Bailey: *swallows thickly* Love you too, Spence. Always.
Spencer: *sighs wistfully* As much as I’d love to stay here and profess my love for you indefinitely, I only have a limited amount of time before the big guy yanks me back to heaven, so I should really get to announcing our five finalists. So, without further ado, the top five finalists for Best Supporting Character in a Kelly Oram book are, in no particular order… Leila King from Girl at Heart!
Jace: *whistles and cheers loudly*
Charlie: Now there’s a supporting character who was vital to a story! Without Leila, I’d never be the woman I am today.
Leila: Thanks Charlie! But you don’t give yourself enough credit. You look fantastic, by the way! Love the dress!
Charlie: *snorts* You should. You only made me try on like five million before declaring this one the winner.
Leila: And I was right. *looks at Jace* Was I not right?
Jace: *can’t take his eyes of Charlie* You were definitely right, Leelee.
Spencer: Seconded. You look great Charlie!
Charlie: *blushes* Thank you.
Spencer: *grins and winks* Anytime. So, the next finalist is… Libby Garrett from The Avery Shaw Experiment!
Libby: Heck, yeah! I was so cat-tastic in that book Kelly had no choice but to give me a book of my own. And it earned me a sexy as sin coffee man.
Spencer: Well earned! You and your scientific swearing got my vote. Next, we have Vivian Euling from Cinder & Ella! Also a character who earned her own book. Kelly let me read it already, and let me tell you guys: it’s epic! Mark your calendars for June, and stick around tonight for the first look at Vivian’s cover!
Spencer: Moving on, we have… Juliette Coleman also from Cinder & Ella!
Juliette: *fist pumps air* Yes! Ugly stepsister, my ass!
Spencer: *beams a smile Juliette* A girl who defies the norm. Love it. Just like a nerd who dates the most popular girl in school. We rule breakers need to stick together.
Spencer: And finally, the last finalist for Best Supporting Character in a Kelly Oram book is… Rob Loxely also, also from Cinder & Ella! Wow. Cinder & Ella must be an amazing book to have so many memorable supporting characters.
Kelly: It’s a special one, for sure.
Spencer: It’s almost like you set it up to be a series where each different character gets his or her own book… *cocks a brow at Kelly*
Kelly: *squirms in her seat* Coincidence. Cinder & Ella was just inspired. In fact, I’m pretty sure my career peaked with that one.
Spencer: Aww, you know that’s not true. You’ve got a lifetime of writing ahead of you. There’s at least a dozen more gems as fantastic as Cinder & Ella in your brain just waiting to be told. And remember, your daughter in law Sami said that Beauty and the Bachelor replaced Cinder & Ella as her favorite Kelly Oram book. You’ve got more greatness coming. I know it.
Dylan: Greatness like Alice in La La Land! People are going to love it, Kelly. They’re going to go start reading it right after the awards tonight, if they haven’t started it already, and they’re all going to be tired at work tomorrow because they stayed up too late reading.
Kelly: Thanks guys. *looks at readers* I can’t wait for you all to dive into Alice, but it is a work night, so read responsibly. *secretly loves making her readers have to call in sick from work because they’re too sleep deprived to function*
Juliette: Can we go back to the part about all the characters in Cinder & Ella getting their own books? *makes puppy dog eyes at Kelly* I want a story. No, I need a story. Please? Pretty, pretty please? I’d be great for a Romeo and Juliet retelling. I mean, the name is spelled different, but I could totally go for the forbidden lovers trope. *wrinkles her nose* But can we leave the tragic endings to Russ, please? I want my own Cinderella fairy tale ending. And, Kelly, I need a man.
Kelly: *sighs* I don’t know Jules. Maybe someday?
Clara: *scoffs*
Kelly: *winces* I can’t just write a story because people ask for it. I have to be hit with the inspiration bug. Trust me, you don’t want me to force a novel. It wouldn’t be very good. My frustration would bleed into the words, and my mental health would suffer. *cough* Priestess *cough* I’ve tried before. It never ends well. And you deserve the very best, Juliette.
Juliette: *sighs* That’s true. I do. I’m a pretty awesome supporting character.
Spencer: Yes, you are.
Juliette: Am I awesome enough to win the award?
Spencer: Well, let’s see, shall we? *opens envelope* And the winner of the award for Best Supporting Character in a Kelly Oram Book goes to… Vivian Euling, Cinder & Ella!
Juliette: Bummer. But if I had to lose to someone, I’m glad it was Vivian.
Vivian: *makes her way to the stage* *beams at the audience* You guys! *presses a hand to her chest* You guys are the best! Seriously. I really want to cry right now. Who knew that when Juliette introduced me to Ella that day that it would change my life so irrevocably? I got an amazing best friend, and now this… *holds up award* And next I’m getting my own book? I’m so grateful. To everyone! For everything! Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Ella: We love you Viv!
Vivian: Love you too!
Post #8
Special Musical Guest Nate Anderson
singing “31 Flavors of You”
Kenneth: Congrats to our winners so far! All well deserved. We’re going to take a break from the awards right now and welcome a special musical guest. Here to introduce him are Jordan Kramer and her best friend Colin from If We Were a Movie. Jordan and Colin, welcome. Thanks for coming.
Jordan: Hi Kenneth! Thanks for having us. It’s an honor to be here.
Colin: It’s definitely an honor to be here. But I have to admit, I was a bit shocked to get the invite, considering I’m just a side character that wasn’t significant enough for Kelly to give a last name.
Jordan: Don’t pout. It’s not a good look on you. And, hey, if you really need a last name, we could always call you Token.
Colin: Token?
Jordan: Yeah, you know, cause you’re the token gay best friend.
Colin: *rolls his eyes* I know. Believe me, I’ve realized this before. I’m actually a little surprised Kelly pulled such a cliché move.
Jordan: Are you kidding? It’s Kelly. She’s all about clichés as long as they’re done right. And cliches are cliches because they work.
Kelly: Besides, the gay best friend isn’t a cliché. It’s so well loved it’s a trope.
Colin: *eyes Kelly skeptically* If you say so. But why don’t I have a last name? I’m the number one supporting character in If We Were a Movie. Practically a main character. *sighs* Not that I was a finalist for that award. I’m always so overlooked.
Jordan: You’re pouting again.
Colin: I’m just saying… *cocks a brow at Kelly* You have a lot of characters much more insignificant than me who have last names. Why didn’t I get one?
Kelly: *tries to think of something other than the truth—that she just forgot to give him one and never realized it until she tried to look it up when writing this post* Because, Colin, you are so amazing that I thought you deserved to go by a single name. Someday, when you’re winning your Tony Award, you’re going to join the ranks of stars like Madonna, Cher, Beyonce, and Jesus.
Colin: *holds his pout a second longer then breaks out into a beautiful, bright smile* Aww, you know just what to say to make a guy feel loved.
Kelly: I’ve been told I have a way with words. I mean it, though, you’re amazing. As much as I love Vivian, if I could have voted in the awards, I definitely would have voted for you as Best Supporting Character.
Colin: Love you, Kelly. You’re my new bestie.
Jordan: *frowns* I thought I was your bestie.
Colin: You replaced me with Nate, so I’m claiming Kelly.
Jordan: You know you’re irreplicable. But speaking of Nate, we’re so excited to have him here singing his first hit single “31 Flavors of You.” He’s so talented, and that song is pure genius. It’s my favorite song.
Colin: Of course it is. It’s about your two favorite things. Ice cream and you.
Jordan: *sigh* Ice cream, yes, but I can’t say I am one of my favorite things. I wish I loved myself as much as you love yourself. You’re kind of awesome like that. Me? I’m a walking disaster.
Colin: Aw, but we love your hot mess. And now you have Nate and me to help you keep your life in balance.
Jordan: True. I don’t know what I’d do without you. But back to Nate…
Colin: *groans* *looks at audience* This is how it always is. Jordan can’t go more than two minutes without talking about Nate.
Jordan: *scoffs* Not true. I also talk about movies. And hello, we’re supposed to be talking about Nate right now. We’re literally here to introduce him.
Colin: Fine. Let’s introduce him. Here tonight to grace us with his musical talent is the adorable yet sexy musical prodigy, Nate Anderson!
Jordan: One third of the Anderson Triplets, Nate studied music at NYU. His first song, “31 Flavors of You,” quickly took the nation by storm. His debut album, Ice Cream Love Songs, earned platinum status and reached as high as #3 on the Billboard top 100. He’s currently producing his second album with NuSound Records. It’s set to drop this fall, and we’re expecting great things.
Colin: I’m calling it now… At least three #1 hits, diamond status, and at least one Grammy.
Jordan: He’s definitely going to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame someday. And Colin is right about the adorable yet sexy thing. Nate is his own unique brand of hotness. I often can’t decide if I want to pinch his cheeks or lick him.
Colin: Lick him. Definitely. I’d lick his brothers too. Mmm. Those Anderson boys…
Jordan: *clears throat* Colin, we’ve talked about this. Stay focused. Be less boy crazy.
Colin: *sighs dreamily* I can’t help it. Why are all the best ones straight?
Jordan: If you ask me, all the best ones are gay. Aside from Nate, of course.
Colin: Naturally. Nate is the best. So let’s get him out here. Nate Anderson, everybody! Singing “31 Flavors of You!”
*cue lights*
*cue music*
*Nate’s beautiful voice fills the air*
Every day you take my breath away with just your smile.
To get to you I’d walk a thousand miles.
When you laugh and when you cry, or when you’re feeling shy,
You make me just so happy I could fly.
When I’m not with you and I miss you, I close my eyes.
I see your face, feel your embrace, and part of me just dies.
I treasure every fight with you cause it means that we can make up.
Makes no difference how hard things get if you’re beside me when I wake up.
You’re the chocolate chip to my mint,
You’re the cookies to my cream,
The mocha to my fudge,
All the sweet in my dreams.
Like a midnight snack, I really, really crave ya,
Without you, life is just plain old vanilla.
The strawberry to my cheesecake,
The rocky to my road,
The caramel to my praline,
A sugar overload.
Give me just a little taste, oh please, will ya?
Without you, life is just plain old vanilla.
One moment you’ll be laughing, the next you’ll be in tears.
I never know what to expect, at the rate that you switch gears.
You twist your hair and bite your nails whenever you are worried.
You’re always late no matter what and never in a hurry.
You talk in movie metaphors, and wear flip flops in the winter.
You’re always telling corny jokes, and talking to the mirror.
You have horrible taste in music, and you’re off key when you sing along.
But it’s every little quirk of yours that makes my love so strong.
You’re the chocolate chip to my mint,
You’re the cookies to my cream,
The mocha to my fudge,
All the sweet in my dreams.
Like a midnight snack, I really, really crave ya
Without you, life is just plain old vanilla.
The strawberry to my cheesecake,
The rocky to my road,
The caramel to my praline,
A sugar overload.
The banana to my split,
the milk to my shake,
The whipped cream on my sundae,
And the ice cream to my cake.
Give me just a little taste, oh please, will ya?
Without you, life is just plain old vanilla.
Life is just an ice cream love song.
With you I can never go wrong.
Each day is something new and sweet to savor
Because I love every flavor,
Of you.
*music stops*
*lights go up*
Jordan: *tackles Nate and plants a big kiss on his mouth* You were brilliant as always!
Colin: *Pushes Jordan aside, tackles Nate, and plants a big, sloppy kiss on his cheek* Marry me, handsome.
Nate: Colin, buddy, we have really got to find you a boyfriend.
Colin: Make him a sexy musician, please.
Alice: Matt is currently single!
Matt: Also, not gay.
Lexie: Minor detail. *makes puppy dog eyes at Colin* Please take him.
Colin: *eyes Matt with curious approval* Do you play guitar?
Matt: Drums.
Colin: *sighs* Guitarists are my favorite, but I can work with a drummer. You’re sexy enough.
Matt: Still not gay.
Colin: Pity.
Nate: We’ll find you someone. Promise.
Colin: Does that mean I’m getting my own story? Will I finally get a last name? And a happily ever after?
Kelly: Uh… No?
Colin: Ugh. You’re supposed to be my bestie.
Kelly: Okay…um…maybe someday?
Colin: That’s more like it.
Clara: I wouldn’t hold your breath. Kelly always says that about Priestess, too. She’s been saying it for about nine years now.
Kelly: *winces* I thought we agreed that we don’t talk about The Book That Shall Not Be Named.
Clara: No, we did not agree on that. You do realize that you have half of the book written already, right? Why not just finish it?
Kelly: *starts to sweat* Um…it’s complicated?
Russ: Come on, Kelly. *gives Kelly Puss in Boots eyes and clasps his hands in a begging gesture* Pleeaassseee? Do you remember how you left me? Are you really so cruel to leave me in that predicament? After everything you’ve put me through, you kind of owe me. And after what you did to Clara, I think she deserves a happily ever after too.
Kelly: …
Rob: *clears his throat to break the awkward silence* Pretty sure Kelly promised me a book too. Otherwise, it was really cruel of her to name me after Robin Hood.
Kelly: *sighs* Everyone’s a critic. *Backs out of this conversation and hugs Nate* You did great! Thank you for performing for us. I’ve been waiting to hear that song for years.
Nate: Happy to be here. And thank you for gracing me with my own book. It was an honor to be the main character and get to have my own voice instead of just being the love interest.
Kelly: No problem! I really enjoyed telling a story from a guy’s POV. You were a fun one.
Chris: You know what else would be fun? Giving me my own book. Or Tyler. You could make it a trilogy—The Anderson Triplets books 1, 2, & 3.
Tyler: Hell yeah. That would be sweet.
Kelly: *Groans* I’m leaving now.
Post # 9
Alice Playlist
Alice: Hey guys! Let’s hear it again for Nate Anderson! Wasn’t he great? I’ve been watching his career for a while now, and I admire him so much. Between you and me, I’m fangirling a bit.
Dylan: That’s nothing. You guys should have seen here when Kyle Hamilton showed up. She almost passed out.
Alice: *elbows Dylan* Shut up. I did not.
Dylan: Your knees buckled. If I hadn’t been holding onto you, you’d have fallen to the floor.
Alice: Whatever. Lexie was worse than me.
Lexie: I don’t deny it. Kyle Hamilton is my hero and, hello, HOLY HOTNESS! *fans herself* Even Matt swooned.
Matt: *shrugs* Kyle is a rock god. Anyone with any musical taste would be in awe meeting him. He’s the inspiration behind our band after all.
Kyle: I don’t know about a rock god, but… Okay, yeah, it’s an apt description. *winks at Alice and Lexie* Thanks guy. Find me at the after party and we’ll talk! I’d love to hear more about your band.
Alice: *squeaks* We will! Thank you!
Dylan: *sighs* And I’ve officially been forgotten.
Alice: *blinks out of her daydream* What were we talking about?
Dylan: We’re supposed to be talking about the music of Alice in La La Land.
Alice: Oh! Right. Yes. So, music is a very important theme in Alice in La La Land. Obviously, it’s my dream to become a musician. Music is just so inspiring. It helps get you through tough times, it sparks creativity, it inspires, it changes lives.
Lexie: And like most authors, Kelly loves to use music to inspire her when writing. She’s created a playlist for many of her books, and today we want to share her playlist for Alice in La La Land.
Alice: For Kelly, sometimes it’s a sound or a mood that reminds her of the story, or it could be specific lyrics. This playlist is an interesting mix of both. We don’t have enough time to go over every song on the list, but Kelly let each of us pick one song to add to the list. My choice was “Breakaway” by Kelly Clarkson. It just sums up so beautifully everything I’ve felt my whole life. I’ve always had this longing to break free from the life I was handed. Not that there was anything wrong with the life I was given, but it just wasn’t for me. I always felt I was meant for so much more. I felt if I just had a chance to break away, to spread my wings for once, that I’d soar. I’ll forever be grateful to Kelly for giving me that chance.
Matt: Aww, sappy as always. *rolls eyes* Why did I join a band of chicks?
Lexie: Um, because we’re awesome.
Alice: And you love us.
Dylan: So, Matt, what song did you go with? Something not sappy, I take it?
Matt: Hell no. I chose “Now or Never” by the Cast of Julie and the Phantoms.
Alice: Ooh, that’s a good one.
Lexie: Yeah. I’m surprised, Matt. I can’t even make fun of you for your choice.
Matt: It’s perfect. It rocks, and it’s all about seizing the day. It’s about rising to the top. Taking life by the balls. Living like it’s now or never. And, baby, it’s our time now. We’re taking the world by storm.
Dylan: Um… Are we going to ignore the fact that Matt just picked a song from a girly Disney TV series? Are you a fan of Julie and the Phantoms, Matt? Who’s your favorite? It’s Regie, isn’t it?
Matt: First of all, Julie and the Phantoms is Netflix, not Disney, and second of all, I was forced to watch every episode of that show because some people *glares at Lexie and Alice* are obsessed.
Alice: Forced. Right. And you totally had something in your eye when they sang “Unsaid, Emily.”
Matt: You’d have to be completely dead inside not to cry during that song! *mumbles under his breath* And it’s Luke. Not Regie.
Dylan: *grins* What was that?
Matt: *rolls his eyes* I said it’s Luke. Not Regie. And how would you even know Regie’s name if you haven’t watched the show yourself, you hypocrite.
Dylan: Um, I’m dating Alice. And she’s obsessed. Though I’m not sure if it’s the show she’s obsessed with, or if it’s Luke.
Alice: It’s definitely Luke. *high fives Matt* Sooooooo cute. And that voice! Swoon.
Lexie: Sorry, I’m still Team Alex.
Dylan: Poor Regie.
Alice: We’ve gotten off track again. We need to get back to the songs. Lexie, what did you pick?
Lexie: It was kind of a hard choice, but I finally went with “Moments We Live For” by In Paradise. I was thinking about the story, and I kept coming back to Alice’s journey. So much happened. So many things that she’s going to remember for the rest of her life. Things we’ll all remember. And it’s those moments that make everything worth it. Like the song says, those are the moments we live for.
Alice: Aww. That’s such a good song. And it totally fits. Excellent choice.
Lexie: What about you, Dylan? What song did you pick?
Matt: It’s probably something sappy.
Dylan: I’m not afraid to be in tune with my feelings, Matt. And actually, I have two. I couldn’t choose between them. First, I chose “Confident” by Demi Lovato. See, Alice comes across as this sweet, wholesome girl, but the first time I saw her sing, she blew my mind. I couldn’t make sense of what I was seeing. It was shocking and sexy and so so hot. She’s got this secret side of her that is So. Freaking. Badass. It deserved an edgy Demi Lovato song. But then I also needed a love song because I’m a good boyfriend like that. I thought about it a long time and decided “La Da Dee” by Cody Simpson is perfect. I don’t know why. It’s not too sappy, but it’s still romantic. And it’s fun, you know? If I had to sum up Alice’s and my relationship in one word, fun would be a great choice.
Alice: I agree. Fun. Easy. Happy. And, actually, that song is the perfect song for you. If you had a sound, it would definitely be the plucky, upbeat, cute “La Da Dee.” We should make that our song.
Dylan: *smiles a big, bright smile* Perfect. It’s totally ours now.
Matt: *gags* You guys make me want to puke sometimes.
Alice: Jealous.
Matt: Um, no. Anyway, let’s just list the rest of the playlist so we can stop watching Alice and Dylan be shmoopy.
Lexie: Shmoopy? Is that a technical term?
Matt: Bite me.
Lexie: No thanks.
Alice: ANYWAY. Here’s the Alice in La La Land playlist. Give it a listen and enjoy!
Champagne Problems – Hugo Helmig
Tonight Tonight – Hot Chelle Rae
Hey Look Ma, I Made It – Panice! At The Disco
Breakaway – Kelly Clarkson
Born To Do – Everybody Else
Fight Song – Rachel Platten
I Hope You Dance – Lee Ann Womack
Firework – Katy Perry
Summer Rain – Josh Tobias
Best Day Of My Life – American Authors
Steal My Love – Dan + Shay
Head and Heart (feat. MNEK) – Joel Corry
Crazy Beautiful – Andy Grammer
Bubbly – Colbie Caillat
All About Us (feat. Owl City) – He Is We
Confident – Demi Lovato – Dylan’s song
Fine By Me – Andy Grammer
Shut Up And Dance – Walk The Moon
Moments We Live For – In Paradise – Lexie’s song
Faster Car – Loving Caliber
Now or Never – Julie and the Phantoms Cast – Matt’s song
Edge of Great – Julie and the Phantoms Cast
I’ll Save You – Jordan Sweeto
Hall of Fame – The Script
La Da Dee – Cody Simpson – Dylan’s song
Play That Song – Train
Fingertips – Tom Gregory
Post # 10
Teaser and giveaway #2
Kenneth: We’re back with another fabulous teaser and giveaway for you. I’ll let Kyle and Val Hamilton tell you all about it since they’ve graciously donated the prize for this one.
Val: Thanks, Kenneth. We’re happy to give back to the academy after everything they’ve done for us. Now, about the teaser… *shakes her head* I had nothing to do with it. That was all Kyle.
Kyle: What’s wrong with this teaser? It’s awesome. Short and sweet and very memorable. Plus, it nails the tone of Dylan’s character.
Val: *sighs* All right, you might have a point. A small one. But it’s still about women’s underwear, which we both know is the real reason you like it so much.
Kyle: *grins wickedly* What’s not to like about women’s underwear? Especially the ones you’re wearing tonight. I had a lot of fun picking them out.
Val: Aside from the fact that there is a thin string running up my crack that is highly uncomfortable?
Kyle: But they’re very sexy.
Val: It’s not like people will see them.
Kyle: I’m going to see them later tonight.
Val: Not if you don’t stop talking about my underwear in front of the entire Academy.
Kyle: *pretends to zip his lips*
Val: Everyone, I apologize. That conversation was entirely inappropriate. Very Kyle, but inappropriate. So let’s just move on to the giveaway. We’re going to give away a signed copy of V is for Virgin and A is for Abstinenceto one lucky winner.
Kyle: Yeah. Because this is the Kellywood Awards, and Cinder & Ella is not the only book in the Kellywood universe. Val and I were first. We started the whole universe. Gotta give credit where credit is due. And also, signed books are way better than some stupid swag packs.
Val: But this giveaway will have one of those swag packs too. Ella and Brian were kind enough to donate swag for all of the giveaways tonight.
Kyle: *scoffs* Of course they did, because Brian has to make everything about him. Still, signed books are better.
Val: *smirks* Yeah. They are, aren’t they. And hey, let’s sweeten the deal and give the winner a choice: the new covers or the old covers. If the winner doesn’t mind waiting a couple weeks to receive their books, the new paperbacks will be ready.
Kyle: Good idea. You’re so smart, Ms. Stanford.
Val: That’s Mrs. Stanford. Or did you forget that we got married?
Kyle: I could never forget the best two minutes of my life.
Val: *snorts* Anyway, if you guys want to enter the giveaway, just reply in the comments below, which Tralse song is your favorite—‘Cryin’ Shame or ‘Worth Waiting For.’ I personally like ‘Worth Waiting For’ better. It’s a lot less obnoxious.
Kyle: Obnoxious? Seriously? It’s passionate. And it’s definitely my favorite. It’s my favorite song I’ve ever written. The one that launched me into the stratosphere. The one that won me you.
Val: Actually, ‘Worth Waiting For’ is the one that won me over. ‘Cryin’ Shame’ horrified me.
Kyle: *sighs* Haters gotta hate.
Val: Don’t be sad. You got it right eventually. And hey, now we’re here, presenting at these awards and giving away our story. That’s incredible. Guys, the giveaway will be open for 24 hours and is international! Good luck!
Post # 11
Best Villain
Kenneth: All right! Loving the giveaways. And that musical number was fantastic, wasn’t it? Nate Anderson is something special. We’re going to bring it back to the awards now, with one of my favorite categories, Best Villain in a Kelly Oram Book. Villains are fun, are they not? Here to introduce the category are Austin and Brooke from The Starburst Effect.
Austin: *crosses the stage looking sheepish and resigned*
Brooke: *struts across the stage shoulders back, head held high* Hi everyone. It’s so good to be here tonight with so many fabulous people. Especially you, Kyle. *sends Kyle a flirty wink and holds her pinky and thumb to her mouth and ear mouthing call me*
Austin: He’s married Brooke.
Brooke: *rolls eyes* He’s a rockstar. Everyone knows how they are.
Austin: I doubt Kyle Hamilton’s a cheater.
Kyle: Nope. I may be a lot of things, but I’m not a cheater. I’ve never cheated on a girlfriend in my life.
Brooke: Please. *cocks a brow at Kyle* Your reputation isn’t exactly a secret.
Austin: His love story’s not a secret either. I don’t think he’d have gone to so much trouble to win Val’s heart if he was just going to be unfaithful to her.
Kyle: Exactly. Thank you, Austin.
Val: Plus, you know, I’d dump him in a heartbeat. Cheating is a dealbreaker.
Brooke: *scoffs* I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as he comes home to you, who cares if he has a little fun while he’s away? You don’t honestly think he’s turning down all of the beautiful women who throw themselves at him after every concert while he’s on tour, do you? Especially when you aren’t traveling with him.
Val: He’s not. I trust him.
Brooke: *looks at Val with pity* That’s kind of sad. I thought you’d be less naïve after your books.
Val: I was a virgin. I was never naïve.
Kyle: It’s true. If she were even a little bit naïve, I definitely would have been able to seduce her sooner.
Val: You didn’t seduce me.
Kyle: You’re married to me, aren’t you?
Val: You proved your love. You earned a relationship. You didn’t seduce me.
Kyle: To-may-to, to-mah-to. *frowns at Brooke* I’m not unfaithful.
Brooke: Right. I got you. *winks conspiratorially*
Austin: *sighs* Brooke, just because you’re a cheater, doesn’t mean everyone is.
Brooke: You’re one to talk. I didn’t exactly cheat on Noah by myself.
Austin: *winces* Which is why I’m up here introducing the villain category with you.
Brooke: Don’t you think calling us villains is harsh? So we cheated. It happens. Noah was in the hospital for months. And he was weird afterward. Who could blame us? One mistake—which wasn’t even that bad—shouldn’t qualify us as villains.
Lily: If you think cheating on Noah was the only thing you did wrong, then you deserve to win the award instead of just announcing it.
Brooke: *scoffs* What did I do that was so wrong?
Lily: Have you ever seen Mean Girls?
Brooke: Yeah. You’re point?
Lily: *snorts* You just proved my point.
Austin: *sighs* Can we just announce the category already?
Brooke: *huffs* Fine. Whatever. There are five finalists for Best Villain in a Kelly Oram Book. Which I’d like to point out that I am not one of.
Austin: You’re not supposed to give away spoilers.
Brooke: We’re about to announce it anyway.
Austin: Whatever. Let’s just get this done. The first finalist is Teddy Vivenzio from More Than Jamie Baker.
Brooke: Next is Anastasia Coleman from Cinder & Ella.
Austin: *winces and glances at Kyle nervously* Um… Kyle Hamilton from V is for Virgin.
Kyle: *rolls eyes*
Brooke: *smirks at Kyle*
Austin: Next is Psycho Sophie from If We Were a Movie.
Brooke: *groans* Come on. First, calling her Psycho Sophie is mean.
Tyler: But accurate.
Chris: Very, very accurate.
Brooke: And I don’t see what she did that was so wrong either. She was just trying to keep her man. She loved him, and that skank swooped in and—
Austin: Aaaaannnnddd, moving on. Our last finalist is Alexander Devereaux from The Supernaturals series.
Brooke: Now there’s a good villain. Sexy too. Total silver fox. I hope he wins.
Austin: *shakes head* And the winner for Best Villain in a Kelly Oram Book is… *reads card* *winces again* Kyle Hamilton, V is for Virgin.
Kyle: *sighs* *accepts award and looks out at the academy members* Okay, I’m happy you all love me enough to consider me the best. I do. So, thank you for this. But villain? Really? Not to sound like Little Miss No Conscience here, *gestures to Brooke* but what did I do that was so bad?
Val: You were the antagonist, Kyle. You can’t deny that.
Kyle: An antagonist is not the same thing as a villain. I think I’m more of an antihero.
Brooke: So, a villain.
Kyle: A villain is a character who does evil things. An antihero is a hero who lacks conventional heroic attributes. I wasn’t a conventional hero, but I wasn’t a villain. My morals and actions may have stumbled into gray territory once or twice, but I wasn’t evil. I never did anything mean just to hurt someone. I was just a boy standing in front of a girl asking her to love him.
Juliette: *snorts a laugh* Did you just quote Notting Hill?
Kyle: *shrugs* It’s one of Val’s favorites.
Val: I do love that movie. But, honey, you weren’t asking me to love you. You were asking to get in my pants. You were trying to corrupt me. You were trying to get a girl to go against everything she believed in for your own selfish purposes. If you ask me, that’s pretty evil. The award is deserved.
Kyle: *gasps and clutches his heart* That hurts, Legs.
Val: *smirks* Sure it does. We both know you’re not at all ashamed of any of your actions. Pretty sure you’re secretly proud of the award in your hand too. And that’s okay. The world needs great villains. You were excellent.
Kyle: I was pretty epic, wasn’t I? Thanks babe. *grins at the audience* And thank you, for this.
Post # 12
Best Couple
Kenneth: Well, that was interesting. Congratulations, Kyle. I don’t think the next award will be quite so controversial. A great couple is pretty indisputable. When two characters have great chemistry, they shine. And here to introduce the category is one of Kelly’s most unique couples, Libby Garrett and Adam Koepp from The Libby Garrett Intervention.
Libby: What’s up, Kenny, my good man?
Kenneth: Oh, you know, the usual. Having a great time. Hanging out with some amazing people, like yourself.
Libby: Back atcha, superstar. *winks and shoots a finger gun* It’s awesome to be here. It’s always fun to dress up, especially since my man looks so fine in a suit.
Adam: *rubs the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable in his suit* Thanks for having us, Kenneth. It’s an honor to be able to represent this category. I know Libby and I aren’t the most traditional couple.
Libby: Traditional is overrated, Coffee Man. We may be odd, but we make it work.
Adam: *smirks* Cat-tastic?
Libby: Unicorn awesome. *grins at audience* Wouldn’t you agree? How can you not love a sexy, broody—
Adam: You mean grumpy.
Libby: Oh, no. I mean broody. You brood, honey bun. But you look sexy doing it. Meeeoooowww. And besides, the whole grumpy/sunshine thing is a much beloved trope. We totally rocked it. The thing about us is, we stand out against Kelly’s other couples. You’re not her typical pretty, charming, witty, flirty hero, but somehow that makes you all the more likable. You’re intriguing.
Adam: But you are a lot like Kelly’s other leading ladies. You’re beautiful, snarky, fun, brilliant…
Libby: You mean quirky. I take awesomeness to a whole new level that might intimidate some people. And my looks are more of an acquired taste. I’m no Jamie Baker.
Adam: *glares at Libby* There are different kinds of beautiful. Your beauty is way more than just your looks. You radiate happiness and confidence. And no one has curves like yours. You call me sexy, but I’ve got nothing on you.
Libby: *beams* And that’s why you should have won best leading man.
Adam: Sure. Against Brian Oliver. Okay.
Libby: There you go, brooding again. Love yourself, Coffee Man. I do. And in case no one’s told you today—Hello. Good evening. You’re doing great. I believe in you. Nice gluteus maximus.
Adam: *snorts* *sobers* *looks Libby up and down* If you want to talk about delicious derrieres…
Libby: *shivers* Fans herself* That is definitely a topic I could do a thesis on. We should go research it. Now. *grabs Adam’s hand*
Adam: We have to announce the category first.
Libby: Avery and Grayson can do it. They should have been asked in the first place. They’re the most disgustingly cute, perfect couple that ever existed.
Adam: Okay fine, I can’t argue with that. But we should still finish announcing the category. It would be rude and irresponsible not to, and you just spent an entire book learning how to stop being rude and irresponsible.
Libby: *sighs* You’re right. I did. And it really is an honor to be here and be chosen to represent such an awesome category, so let’s announce the finalists.
Adam: That’s my girl.
Libby: You know it.
Adam: *clears throat and addresses the audience* The top five finalists for Best Couple in a Kelly Oram book are, in no particular order… Avery Shaw and Grayson Kennedy from The Avery Shaw Experiment.
Libby: See? The academy knows what’s up. Avery and Grayson are awesomesauce with a cherry on top.
Adam: And they’re in some great company. Brian Oliver and Ella Rodriguez from Cinder & Ella.
Libby: Okay, they’re pretty great too, but Avery is my girl. Still, there must be five finalists, so we have Charlie Hastings and Jace King from Girl at Heart. Totally adorable.
Adam: We also have Kyle Hamilton and Val Jensen from V is for Virgin.
Kyle: HA! Best couple. People love us. That’s more proof. Villains don’t get the girl, but women can’t resist a good antihero.
Val: Okay, fine. You can call yourself an antihero. Now will you stop interrupting and let them announce the last couple?
Kyle: *zips lips*
Adam: Thanks. And the final couple in the Best Couple in a Kelly Oram Book category is… Ryan Miller and Jamie Baker from the Jamie Baker trilogy.
Libby: Oh, yeah. I approve of that one. Their chemistry is sizzling. And come on, Remember Jamie Baker? Talk about seduction. No one could resist falling for Ryan in that one. A stroke of genius and the pinnacle of Kelly’s career, if you ask me. Aside from our awesomeness, of course.
Adam: Of course.
Libby: So, do they win? Or is it Avery and Grayson?
Adam: *reads results* The winners are… Ella Rodriguez and Brian Oliver, Cinder & Ella.
Libby: *sigh* I suppose they were acceptable opponents.
Ella: *smirks* Gee, thanks.
Libby: *shrugs shamelessly* You’re all right, but Avery’s my girl. And Grayson’s like an excitable golden retriever. What’s not to love?
Ella: Absolutely nothing. Avery and Grayson are awesome. It’s an honor to have even competed against them. It’s humbling to win. *smiles at audience* You guys really know how to make a girl feel good. Best Leading Lady, Best Leading Man, and now Best Couple?
Brian: Makes sense though, doesn’t it? I mean put the two best people together and of course you’re going to get the best couple.
Ella: Okay. It’s only humbling to some of us. *shoots Brian a flat look*
Brian: We earned it, and you know it. Our song is Jack Johnson’s “Better Together” for a reason.
Ella: *cracks a smile* True. We are better together.
Brian: Exactly. *smiles at crowd* But we’re still grateful to be given this honor. We’re only as good as our fans. Without you, there’d be no us. So, thank you. And Kelly? Thank you for Precious, too.
Ella: *snorts* Maybe the two of you should have been nominated instead of us.
Brian: Either way I would have won.
Ella: Well, if you love her so much then you can take her home tonight.
Brian: *flashes Ella a wicked grin* Or… you could come with us, and we can have a good threesome.
Ella: BRIAN! *smacks Brian in the shoulder*
Post # 13
Best Besties
Kenneth: *clears throat* I’ve been asked by the network to give everyone a quick reminder that this is a highly publicized event, and we need to try to keep things at least PG-13.
Ella: *elbows Brian*
Kenneth: And now, we have another fun category up next. While most people read Kelly’s books for the relationship between the love interests, her work wouldn’t be the same without the other relationship dynamics as well. There are some great familial relationships like Ellie and Angela, Ella and Juliette, and my favorite, Lily and Mason. But along with those, there are some amazing friendships that give so much added depth to Kelly’s stories. So tonight, we’re honoring the Best Besties in a Kelly Oram Book, and here to introduce the finalists are Charlie and Leila from Girl at Heart.
Charlie: Thanks Kenneth. Leila and I are excited to be here announcing all of the great friendships in Kelly’s books. If there’s one thing Kelly is good at, it’s giving someone a great bestie. As much as I love Eric, and he’ll always be my best friend, Leila is my bestie. It’s different somehow. I can’t explain it, but somehow there’s a different feel to the relationship of besties than just best friends.
Leila: Yeah. It seems more of a… I don’t know if cute is the right word, but it’s a warmer relationship. It’s fun, and playful, and, well, cute. While still being a deep meaningful relationship. I mean, besties just…click. You know?
Avery: I know exactly what you mean! Aiden is my best friend, but Libby is my bestie.
Charlie: Exactly. And Leila is the most amazing bestie anyone could ever ask for.
Leila: Same Charlie. If I swung that way, I would date you in a heartbeat.
Charlie: Even though I’ve made out with your twin brother?
Leila: *gags* Okay. You just ruined it. Besides, as hot as we would be as a couple, we still wouldn’t be as adorable as you and Jace.
Charlie: It’s true. Let’s just stick to the besties title.
Leila: Or…. *grins mischievously* We could always swap it for a sisters title.
Jace: *growls* Leelee! Chill. We’re not getting married.
Leila: Yet.
Charlie: We’re only eighteen.
Leila: For now. I’m just saying Charlie would be the perfect sister-in-law and you guys will make the most adorable babies ever.
Jace: *chokes* Babies?!
Charlie: Leila, I know you don’t mean any time soon, but please, whatever you do, never, ever, ever say that word in front of my dad. You’ll give him an aneurism.
Leila: Auntie Leila sounds cute, right? I call dibs on godmother.
Charlie: Yeah, okay, why don’t you just worry about calling dibs on being my roommate next year.
Leila: Well, duh. As if you could room with anyone other than your bestie.
Jace: She could move in with me. I’d be a great roommate. *winks at Charlie*
Charlie: *gasps* *blushes* Are you seri—
Chad: Yeah, your ashes would always be quiet and never make a mess while they sit on her bookshelf after I murder you.
Jace: Sorry, Chad. You know I was just joking. I would never disrespect your daughter by asking her to live with me before we were married.
Chad: *crosses arms* And?
Jace: And… I wouldn’t dream of asking her to marry me until we’re at least…30?
Chad: 40.
Charlie: DAD! Stop!
Chad: *narrows eyes at Charlie and Jace* I’m watching you two. Leila, you’d better keep your eye on them at school next year. I’m counting on you.
Leila: *grins and throws her arm around Charlie’s shoulders* Of course, Chad. What are besties for?
Charlie: *grins at Leila* She’ll keep me in line, Dad. Promise. She is my bestie, after all.
Leila: The best bestie.
Jace: You mean that literally?
Leila: I don’t know. Let’s find out, shall we? The top five finalists for Best Besties in a Kelly Oram Book are… Avery Shaw and Libby Garrett from the Science Squad series.
Charlie: Yay! I love them. Okay, next is Ella Rodriguez and Vivian Euling from Cinder & Ella.
Leila: Ooh. They are totally fabulous together too. But then, so are our next finalists. Ellie Westley and Jesse, Josh, and Jack—otherwise known as the Js—from Serial Hottie.
Charlie: Ha! Yeah. I love them. They remind me of me, Eric, Kev, and Diego.
Leila: Ooh, this next one is so cute. You’re going to love it. Brian Oliver and Scott Thompson from Cinder & Ella and Happily Ever After.
Charlie: Aww, you’re right. Those two are adorable. This is a great category. Who are the last ones?
Leila: Actually, it’s us. *grins and hip bumps Charlie* And we’re actually tied with Russ Devereaux and Ethan Dunn from The Supernaturals Series. So, really, we get a fabulous bonus couple for this category.
Charlie: Ooh, definitely. Russ and Ethan are too perfect. Did you see them together earlier when they announced the award for Best Leading Man? So great.
Leila: Yeah, their bromance is epic. And they’re both so gorgeous. If they weren’t both taken, I’d totally go out with either of them.
Charlie: I don’t think Russ is taken.
Russ: Only because somebody won’t give me my freaking happily ever after. *gives Kelly the stink-eye*
Kelly: *sighs* I’m sorry, Russ. You know it’s not personal. I love you. You’re my favorite. But, honestly, Leila is like the sweetest, most fun, gorgeous girl ever. You should go out with her. You’d probably have together. You’d for sure make beautiful babies.
Leila: Ooh, we totally would.
Charlie: Oh, yeah. Heartbreakers for sure.
Russ: *scoffs* I’d make beautiful babies with anyone. And yeah, Leila is pretty, and nice, and totally dateable, but is she my soulmate?
Kelly: Um…no….
Russ: *stares Kelly down* Ethan has a soulmate. So does Gracie. Dani has a soulmate too. Granted, he’s a total goober, but he’s still her soulmate. If they all get a soulmate, why don’t I?
Clara: Aren’t you the one always saying destiny can kiss your butt and nobody decides your fate but you?
Russ: So? Not the point. The point is, Kelly owes me a woman!
Kelly: At least I gave you Ethan.
Russ: That’s not the same! You gave everyone else a soulmate, and what did you give me? The shaft, that’s what. It’s what you always give me!
Kelly: Look, Russ, you have a soulmate, okay? And trust me, she’s perfect for you. You two are destined for greatness. My most epic romance yet. Russ, the hotter the fire the stronger the steel, and the sweeter the reward.
Russ: Yeah? You want to explain to me what a fat lot of good that does me if you won’t write the damn book?
Kelly: *groans* Ugh. We’ll talk, okay? I’ll go back and re-read the series and what I have so far on Priestess. BUT I MAKE NO PROMISES!!! Do you understand? The book will get finished if the book gets finished. MY MENTAL HEALTH TRUMPS YOUR HAPPY ENDING.
Kelly: Do you want me to kill you? Because I can, you know. Don’t tempt me.
Russ: *narrows eyes* You wouldn’t.
Kelly: *cocks a brow* Don’t think so?
Russ: No way. I’m your favorite character. You love me too much. Everyone knows it.
Kelly: Ever heard the expression sometimes you have to kill your darlings?
Russ: You’re too obsessed with happy endings.
Kelly: It’s Clara’s book. It would be her happy ending. That doesn’t have to include you. I could turn you evil. Have it be a mercy killing in the end. You know you have the potential for that, and you know I’m not afraid to take drastic measures if it’s right for the story. I mean, just look what I did to you in Scion.
Russ: *hesitates* You’re bluffing.
Kelly: *shrugs* Or, since your story is so tragic already and you’re such a beloved character, I could give you some ultimate, heroic sacrificial death that saves everyone and tugs at the heartstrings of all my readers. I mean, they’ve been waiting for over a decade since Chameleon released. They would deserve something epic if I ever did finish it.
Russ: *eyes bulge*
Kelly: Are we done arguing about this now?
Russ: *sighs* Fine. For now.
Kelly: Good. Then will you please sit down and let Leila and Charlie announce the winners? It’s been so long people probably don’t even remember who all the finalists are.
Russ: *grumbles* Sorry.
Ethan: *clamps Russ on shoulder* It’s all right, Russ. Maybe we’ll win this award, and if we don’t, then we’ll go find you something to set on fire.
Russ: *Pouts* It better be something that explodes.
Ethan: Of course it will explode.
Charlie: *blinks at Russ and Ethan* Oookkkaayyy then… I’m almost afraid to announce the winners now.
Leila: They’ll be fine. Let’s get to it though. I’m dying to know who the winners of this category are.
Charlie: Me too. Okay, let’s do it. *opens envelope* And the winners of the Best Besties in a Kelly Oram book are…
Leila: Brian Oliver and Scott Thompson, Cinder & Ella and Happily Ever After!
Brian: *steps up to the mic and accepts award with a huge, thrilled smile*
Scott: *joins Brian with a bit of a dazed look* *accepts award with a much smaller and humbler smile*
Brian: *flings arm over Scott’s shoulder* Wow! This is awesome! I really didn’t expect this one.
Scott: Me either. I didn’t even understand why I was nominated.
Brian: Why wouldn’t you be?
Scott: *gives Brian a wry smile* I didn’t realize we’re besties.
Brian: *clutches hand over heart* Scotty. Of course we’re besties. You’re the best. I’ll admit, when we were first nominated, I didn’t understand why I wasn’t nominated with Ella. Everyone knows she’s my best friend. But after Charlie and Leila explained the difference between best friends and besties, it makes so much sense. You’re definitely my bestie. We’re so adorable together.
Scott: *side-eyes Brian with a small, amused smirk and shakes his head* I’m hardly in the books, and it’s always in an assistant role. We never hung out as friends. Never shared each other’s secrets or problems.
Brian: *frowns at Scott* That’s not true. I told you about my blue balls problem when I started dating Ella.
Scott: *blushes the tiniest bit* Which was highly inappropriate.
Brian: I gave you a car.
Scott: Also highly inappropriate.
Brian: I invite you to all my parties and always make sure there are tons of hot, single women for you.
Scott: *sighs* Again, inappropriate for a boss-assistant relationship.
Brian: *grins* But not for a bestie relationship. So there you go. Also, you’re coming to the after party tonight, right? Astrid’s going to be there. I’ve seen you watch her from afar.
Scott: *chokes* *turns fire engine red* *whispers* Brian! She’s also here right now. She heard that.
Brian: Good. You can ask her out. Hey, Astrid. You want to go out with Scotty sometime? He’s brilliant, funny, a complete gentleman, and cool as hell.
Scott: *slaps hand over his face* Seriously, Brian?
Brian: What? I know you like her. You get all tongue-tied when you’re around her.
Ella: So do you!
Brian: *huffs* I do not.
Ella: Do too. She’s your celebrity crush and number one on your list.
Scott: What list?
Ella: The freebie list. You know, the three people you’re allowed to kiss even if you’re already in a relationship.
Scott: That’s a thing?
Ella: Yup. And Brian’s number one is Astrid. You should have seen him the day he and Astrid filmed their kissing scene in The Scarlet Pimpernel.
Brian: *sputters* Can it, woman. You are so obnoxious.
Scott: So are you.
Brian: What did I do?
Scott: You just asked Astrid out for me in front of the whole academy.
Brian: It’s a bestie’s duty to help a brother with his love life. And it’s not like I passed her a note that says: Do you like Scotty? Yes or No. I just asked. Unashamed, and straight forward. Like a man. And she still hasn’t answered. *grins at Astrid* So? How about it?
Astrid: *shoots Brian a bemused smile* *smiles mush softer and more sincere at Scott* I’d love to. Let’s talk at the after party tonight.
Scott: *blushing so fiercely now he’s in danger of combusting* Uh…okay. Yeah. Sure. Um, I’d like that.
Brian: *beams proudly and slaps Scott on the back* Atta boy, Scotty. Scoring a date with the Queen of Kellywood. *stage whispers to crowd* But that’s all he’ll be scoring, since he’s a total boy scout and is waiting ‘till marriage*
Scott: *exasperated* Really?
Valerie: There’s nothing wrong with waiting until marriage.
Kyle: Oh, let me count the ways.
Valerie: *rolls eyes* You survived.
Scott: Can we please finish this thank-you speech now? Aren’t they supposed to start playing music or something when we’re taking too long? *looks at statue then smiles at audience* Thank you all for this. It was unexpected, but very appreciated. I’m always so surprised at the amount of enthusiasm you all have for me. It’s baffling, but I’m flattered. And humbled. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Brian: *holds up statue and grins at crowd* Me too. Thank you guys for this! This is awesome. Scotty and I have a bright future ahead of us now that he’s no longer my assistant and can stop being so damn professional all the time. Maybe even bright enough for Scotty to get his own book. The man needs a woman, and I’d love to be the John Daly for once.
Scott: John Daly?
Brian: Dude with the awesome pants on the meme for best supporting character?
Scott: Huh. I didn’t know you watch golf.
Brian: Golf is cool. Ooh, or I could be the wise spiritual guide. I’d make a badass Ellamara.
Ella: *snorts* In a rom-com maybe. You’d be the best friend who gets the main character in all kinds of trouble.
Brian: A rom-com would be perfect. Scotty needs a good woman. *gives Kelly a pointed look*
Kelly: *groans* Are were back on this? Again? How many times do I have to say it. I can’t just force a story because you want it. I don’t even have an idea for a good story for Scott. Not that you aren’t a great character, Scott. I totally love you. I just haven’t though up the right story for you yet.
Brian: I’ll help. *grins at academy* We all will, won’t we, guys? What if you all leave a comment in this thread with a suggestion for a re-telling that would be great for Scotty?
Scott: *sighs* Really, guys. That’s unnecessary. I can find my own dates.
Brian: *winks at audience* Okay, we have to go. Ella’s giving me the look. But, I want to leave you all with our song.
Scott: Our song? We have a song?
Brian: Yup. We do. And it’s perfect. *holds up his statue one more time* Thanks everyone!
Scott: Thank you.
Post #14
Kiss Marry Kill KO Edition
Host: Okay guys, for our next game, it’s time to get to know each other a little better. Rather than ask all the standard this or that questions, I thought it would be fun for the cast of Alice in La La Land to play Kiss Marry Kill. You know the game. You each have to pick someone who you would kiss, someone you would marry, and someone you would kill. So, of all the characters in all of Kelly’s books, think about who you would want to kiss, marry, and kill. Why don’t we start with Kelly? No one has a better insight to the KO characters than the author herself. Kelly, take it away…
Kelly: Hmm… This is a tough question for a couple of reasons. First, because in a way all of my characters feel like they’re my babies. I created them. They feel like family. Then there’s the fact that most of them are teenagers, and wanting to kiss or marry any of them would be totally creepy of me. But, in the spirit of the game, I’ll do my best. To kiss, I’d have to go with Sebastian Monroe.
*Host* Sebastian Monroe? Who’s that? Why don’t I know that name?
Kelly: Sebastian is the leading man in my upcoming novel Beauty and the Bachelor. You’ll all get to meet him later this June. But for now, I’ll say this: The man is hot, smart, and he may be grumpy, but it’s a totally endearing grumpiness. Plus, he loves tacos. And he’s in his thirties. So, you, know, avoiding the creep factor.
*host* Awesome. He sounds like a hell of a man. Can’t wait to meet him. Okay, next. Who would you marry?
Kelly: That’s easier. Hot Daddy Chad Hastings from Girl at Heart.
Charlie: Ugh. Gross. Gag. Please don’t call him that.
Kelly: Sorry. My editor has always called him that, and it kind of stuck. I mean, she’s right. He’s a total cutie. Plus, he’s fun and playful with a great sense of humor, he’s an amazing dad, and I’m a total baseball nut, so we’d have a lot in common.
Charlie: Fine. You’re right. He’d be awesome to marry. Just don’t ever refer to him as Hot Daddy Hastings ever again. *shudders*
Kelly: Fair enough.
Host: Okay, last question. Who would you kill?
Kelly: Kevin.
Charlie: What? You want to kill one of my best friends? I mean I know he’s got a huge butt, but that’s hardly a capital offense.
Kevin: Shut up Charlie! My butt’s nothing compared to your thunder thighs!
Charlie: I’m a catcher! I practically live in a squat! *frowns at Kelly* Okay. You can kill him.
Kelly: *laughs* I’ll keep that in mind for future novels. But I actually meant Kevin from the Backstreet Boys.
*everyone exchanges looks of confusion*
Kelly: When I first started writing, I began with fanfiction. My favorite fandom to write in was the Backstreet Boys. (Yes, it’s okay to laugh.) Anyway, in my BSB fanfic days I was a bit notorious for killing off Kevin. Don’t know why. But it was always him. Poor guy. Sorry Kevin! You know I love you!
Host: Interesting. I’d love to read some of those stories. Any chance you’ll post some of them on your website for us?
Kelly: *smirks* Not a chance in hell. Next.
Host: We’ll break you down someday.
Kelly: *quirks eyebrow* *says nothing*
Host: *sighs* All right. Moving on. How about we start with Alice? You’re the star today. Who would you kiss, marry, and kill?
Alice: Let’s see… so many amazing book boyfriends to choose from… To kiss, I’d have to go with the rock god Kyle Hamilton. He’s been my idol forever and every time he sings, I seriously melt into a puddle of goo. The man is the definition of HOT.
Ella: *whistles and shouts playfully* Amen sister!
Brian: *gapes at his wife* Excuse me?
Ella: *shrugs shamelessly*
Kyle: *slyly flips Brian the bird* Take that Mr. Favorite Leading Man. Your wife wants to make out with me. *grins at Ella* If I weren’t happily committed to Val, I’d make all your dreams come true.
Ella: *winks at Kyle*
Brian: *sulks back in his chair with a huff*
Alice: Don’t worry, Brian. When it’s your turn, you can kill him.
Brian: *still brooding, but can’t resist cracking a smile at Alice*
Alice: *beams at Brian then turns to Host* If I were going to marry someone, I’d have to go with Scott Thompson from Cinder & Ella and Happily Ever After. Or should I say Scotty?
Scott: *clears throat* Just Scott works, thanks.
Alice: All right, Scott then. I’d definitely marry you. You’re smart, organized, sweet, loyal, and levelheaded. You’ve got the patience of a saint, a sneaky sense of humor, and you’re adorable as hell. Definitely marriage material.
Scott: Um… Thanks?
Brian: *Slaps Scotty on the back* What she said, Scotty. *Looks at Alice* He’s too old for you.
Dylan: Plus, you know, she’s taken.
Brian: *narrows his eyes at Dylan but doesn’t respond to his statement* *Grins at Alice* But you’re right that Scotty needs a good woman. We’ll get together later and come up with a plan.
Scott: *sighs* That’s really not necessary.
Brian: It really is.
Scott: *shoots Alice a pleading look* So who would you kill?
Alice: *smirks at the obvious change of subject* That’s easy. I’d kill Matt.
Matt: WHAT?
Alice: *shrugs* Eh. Drummers are easy to replace.
Matt: *scoffs* Rude.
Alice: Showers. They’re a thing. You should look into it.
Lexie: *snorts* *high fives Alice*
Matt: *grumbles under his breath* Whatever. I’m going next. I’d totally make out with Ellie Westley from Serial Hottie. Tall feisty redhead, and total badass? Sign. Me. Up.
Ellie: *Snorts* You wish, dude.
Matt: *grins* *winks* You’d like it.
Seth: *glares at Matt* *subconsciously starts flipping his butterfly knife open and closed*
Host: *watches Seth warily* *laughs nervously* All right, um, so who would you marry?
Matt: Marriage? *shudders* One chick for the rest of your life? I don’t think so. Pass.
Lexie: Don’t worry, Matt. I doubt there’s a woman on this planet that would consider marrying you.
Matt: Bite me.
Alice: Children. Please. Let’s stay focused. Matt, you have to pick someone. It’s the rules of the game.
Matt: I thought you were past keeping all the rules. Where’s rebel Alice?
Alice: Just answer the question so Lexie and I can make fun of you for it.
Matt: *rolls his eyes* Fine. Avery Shaw from The Avery Shaw Experiment.
Alice: *shares a surprised look with Lexie* Really?
Matt: *shrugs* She’s cute and innocent. She’d be fun to corrupt. It’d be fun to make her blush all the time.
Grayson: Good call. That’s my favorite hobby!
Lexie: Alice is cute and innocent, but I don’t see you wanting to marry her.
Matt: *gags*
Alice: *gags*
Matt: Yeah…no. Alice is like a sister to me. Gross. Besides, there’s no dating your bandmates. Everyone knows that.
Lexie: Just checking.
Host: Okay, then, Lexie. Who would you pick?
Lexie: Hmm… Let’s see. If I could kiss any Kelly Oram character? I think I’d go with Jamie Baker from Being Jamie Baker.
*eyebrows fly up all around the room*
Lexie: Not that I swing that way, but I can admit the woman is fine. And that whole superkiss thing? That’d be worth kissing a girl for.
Ryan: It’s definitely worth that! Excellent choice, Lexie! Also, let it be known, if you ladies would like to try it, I wouldn’t mind watching. That would be hot.
Jamie: *elbows Ryan* *glares at him* You want to get zapped?
Ryan: *grins* Do your worst, babe.
Matt: *points at Ryan* I like you, dude, and I concur. Lexie and Jamie should make out.
Alice: *groans* You are such a guy. And you wonder why I chose to kill you.
Matt: You’d miss me.
Jamie: *staring hard at Matt* Moving on before I zap you both. Lexie, who would you kill?
Lexie: *grins gleefully* Matt, of course.
Lexie: Well duh. You’re annoying.
Alice: Plus, if we replaced you with a girl, we’d be an all-girl band, and those are sweet.
Lexie: Exactly.
Matt: *flips up both middle fingers. One for each of his bandmates* You both suck.
Lexie: But you love us.
Alice: And we love you.
Matt: *sighs* *cracks a smile* *shakes his head* You’re both a pain in my ass.
Host: Such an interesting dynamic you guys have. I can’t tell if you’re destined for greatness or destined to break up.
Matt: Rude.
Alice: Greatness, of course.
Lexie: But we might actually kill Matt someday. For reals.
Alice: *nods* True story. But don’t worry, Matt, we’ll write you a killer song and get rich off your death.
Matt: Oh, well, in that case, go ahead and murder me.
Dylan: You know? When I first met them, I sometimes wondered if I had to worry about Matt as competition for Alice’s heart. I worried that I’d be jealous of their relationship. *smirks* Clearly my fears were unfounded.
Host: *chuckles* So you don’t have any plans to kill him too?
Dylan: Nah. I like the dude. He’s entertaining.
Matt: Thank you! *waves a so there gesture at Alice and Lexie* At least someone appreciates me. You’re my new favorite, Dylan.
Dylan: *makes a heart with his hands for Matt*
Matt: *blows Dylan a kiss*
Lexie: You guys need to get a room?
Alice: So, if you’re not going to kill Matt, does that mean you’re going to kiss him? Because if Lexie and Jamie have to make out, then I think we should get some guy-on-guy action too.
Lexie: *sarcastically* Yeah, bruh, because that would be, like, so hot.
Matt: You into that Al? Because if you really wanted it, we could make that happen. Dylan’s kind of hot.
Alice: *snorts* Sure, Matt. Whatever you say.
Lexie: Alice is right. I call BS. You’d never kiss another guy. You’re too into boobs.
Matt: Boobs are nice. But I could do it. I’d kiss Dylan for fifty bucks.
Brian: *pulls a Benjamin from his wallet* I’ll give you a hundred.
Ella: *cocks an amused brow at her husband* You so eager to see them make out?
Brian: *snorts* No. But I’m with Alice and Lexie. He won’t do it. Matt’s all talk.
Matt: *scoffs* *gets up from his chair and heads for Dylan*
Dylan: *lifts both hands to fend Matt off* Hey now. I’m not part of this. If I had to kiss a guy, it wouldn’t be Matt. It’d be Ethan Dunn from Ungifted.
Alice: *smirks at her boyfriend* Ethan, huh? Not a bad choice.
Dylan: Pretty, badass, avenging angel warrior? Sure. Why not?
Ethan: *frowns* Pretty?
Russ: Hell yeah you’re pretty. Almost as pretty as me. I’d make out with you for a hundred bucks too.
Dani: *snorts* You’d make out with him for free.
Grace: *eyes Russ and Ethan skeptically* Are you sure they haven’t already?
Russ: If we have, we’re not telling the two of you.
Ethan: *kicks Russ* Stop it. They’re all going to think we’ve made out.
*everyone laughs*
Host: Okay, we seem to have gotten off track. Dylan, is that your pick then? You’d kiss Ethan?
Dylan: Nah. If I had to choose, I’d definitely kiss Alice.
Lexie: *scoffs* You can’t choose your significant other. That’s against the rules.
Dylan: Host never said that was a rule.
Lexie: He didn’t have to say it, because everyone already knows that. It’s a given.
Alice: She’s right. You have to pick someone else.
Dylan: *narrows his eyes* This feels like a trap.
Alice: *grins* That depends on your answer. Better choose wisely.
Dylan: *sighs* Fine. Then I pick Juliette from Cinder & Ella and Happily Ever After.
Juliette: Aww. *makes a heart with her hands for Dylan like he did earlier* I’d kiss you too, Dylan.
Dylan: *flashes Juliette the heart-stopping smile that has teenage girls all over the country plastering his poster all on their bedroom walls.* Can’t help it. I have a weakness for fun, sweet, beautiful blondes.
Alice: *thinks for a moment* *nods slowly* Good answer. I approve.
Dylan: *beams at Alice* Thanks beautiful. *silently mouths, I’d pick you.*
Juliette: You guys are too cute. So, Dylan, who would you marry, then?
Dylan: Alice.
Lexie: *groans*
Alice: *groans*
Lexie: Seriously. We just went over this.
Dylan: But it’s true. I’d marry Alice.
Lexie: *studies Dylan* *cocks a brow* Is that an official proposal?
Alice: *blinks* *blinks again* *opens her mouth to say something*
Brian: SHE’S EIGHTEEN! She is not getting engaged! Hell no!
Alice: *grins* Chill Brian. Not even Dylan’s crazy enough to propose at eighteen. And I’m definitely not crazy enough to accept a proposal at eighteen. *shoots Dylan a pointed look* So don’t get any ideas.
Dylan: *holds up his hands in surrender* I said nothing about marriage.
Matt: Dude. You literally said you’d marry Alice.
Dylan: *rolls eyes* It’s a game.
Alice: *pouts* So you’re saying you don’t want to marry me?
Dylan: *groans* There is no right answer here.
Alice: *cracks up* Dylan. I’m just messing with you.
Dylan: *barks out a laugh* That was mean.
Ella: But funny.
Brian: You would think that, brat.
Ella: *smirks at Brian then looks at Dylan* Okay, you can’t pick Alice. So who else would you marry?
Dylan: I dunno. Charlie Hastings from Girl at Heart, I guess. Or her best friend Leila King. Either of them seems like a good option.
Lexie: So again with the gorgeous, friendly, bubbly blondes. You, my friend, have a definite type.
Dylan: *Shrugs*
Charlie: *frowns* I’m not bubbly.
Jace: *chuckles* You’re giggling habit would suggest otherwise.
Charlie: I blame Leila.
Leila: I’ll own it. I’m totally bubbly.
Jace: And we love you for it, Leelee.
Juliette: We should start a club. The gorgeous, friendly, bubbly blondes club.
Leila: I’m in.
Alice: Me too.
Charlie: Why not?
Ryan: I call being President.
*everyone looks at Ryan*
Ryan: They never said it was an all-girl club. Are any of you going to dispute the gorgeous, friendly, bubbly blond description?
Jamie: *snorts* No, babe. No one is going to dispute that.
Ryan: *grins at his girlfriend* I love it when you call me babe.
Jamie: That was sarcasm.
Ryan: You still said it. Can’t take it back. I knew you’d give me a pet name eventually.
Jamie: *rolls eyes* Can we just finish this game already? It’s taking forever.
Host: Right. It has run a little longer than I expected. I suppose we should wrap it up. So, last question. Dylan, you’d kiss Juliette and marry Charlie or Leila. Who would you kill?
Dylan: My ex, Monique. For sure.
Alice: Another good choice. I approve.
Matt: Does that mean you change your answer to Monique?
Alice: No. Why would I? He’s already killing her, so I’m still free to kill you.
Matt: But Lexie is already killing me.
Lexie: You’re worth killing twice.
Matt: I hate you both.
Host: And on that note, that all the time we have for this interview. But we’d love to hear from our viewers. Leave your comments below: Of all the Kelly Oram characters, who would you kiss, marry, and kill? No wrong answers! Have fun!
Post #15
Best Meet Cute
Kenneth: All right, now that we know a lot more about the cast of Alice in La La Land than we needed to, let’s get back to the awards. Next up is Best Meet-cute in a Kelly Oram Book. Merriam-Webster defines meet-cute as a cute, charming, or a musing first encounter between romantic partners. Now, not all of Kelly’s books have a genuine meet-cute, but the ones that do are some of her most memorable moments, so we wanted to celebrate these moments with an award. Here to announce it are Ryan Miller and Jamie Baker from Being Jamie Baker.
Ryan: Thanks Kenneth! As the main characters in Kelly’s favorite meet-cute, we’re honored to be chosen to announce this award.
Jamie: Who said we’re Kelly’s favorite?
Ryan: *opens mouth to speak*
Jamie: Besides you.
Ryan *closes mouth* *makes face* *grins* Kelly may have never specifically said we’re her favorite meet-cute, but we were her first. Everyone always has a special place in their hearts for a first anything.
Jamie: That doesn’t automatically make us her favorite.
Ryan: Maybe not, but come on. Ours is the best. It has comedy, drama, charm, electric sparks, chemistry, and kissing. Kissing makes everything better. Especially superkissing. In fact, superkissing would make this little bit we’re doing now a lot better too.
Jamie: *shoots Ryan an unimpressed look* Zapping you would make this little bit more entertaining too.
Ryan: *pouts*Party pooper.
Colin: I’ll kiss you, Ryan!
Ryan: *grins at Colin* Thanks, man. If I swung that way, I’d be all for it. But my heart beats only for Jamie. Always has.
Colin: *sighs wistfully*
Jamie: All right, let’s announce the finalists. I’m not letting us go off on a million tangents like all the others before us have. You know I hate being in the spotlight.
Ryan: You’re right. No need to irritate you. Pretty sure people would hate it if the power went out and we couldn’t finish the ceremony.
Jamie: Exactly. So, the five finalists in the category of Best Meet-cute in a Kelly Oram Book are, in no particular order… Ryan Miller and Jamie Baker in Being Jamie Baker.
Ryan: *beams a beautiful smile* See? We’re first. That means we’re the best.
Jamie: I specifically just said these finalists are in no particular order.
Ryan: Sure, sure. I get it. *winks at audience* Next, after Jamie and me, are Jordan Kramer and Nate Anderson from If We Were a Movie.
Jamie: They were cute, but I like this next one better. Avery Shaw and Grayson Kennedy from The Avery Shaw Experiment. *gives Ryan a flat look* Showering together trumps kissing.
Ryan: *blinks at Jamie* Did you just say showering together?
Jamie: *nods*
Ryan: In their meet-cute?
Jamie: *nods again*
Ryan: *frowns* Does that actually mean what I think it means? You don’t mean that literally, do you?
Jamie: Why don’t you read the book and find out?
Ryan: It’s just been moved to next on my TBR list.
Jamie: You should add this one to your TBR list, too. Great meet-cute. Kyle and Val from V is for Virgin.
Ryan: Actually, I have read that one.
Kyle: As you should have! Thanks Ryan.
Ryan: Of course! It was great. I read Cinder & Ella first and loved it so much I just had to go back and read her other books.
Kyle: *sighs*
Ryan: And our last finalists for the Best Meet-cute in a Kelly Oram Book award are…Brian and Ella from Cinder & Ella.
Jamie: I could have told you that. Their meet-cute was pretty epic.
Ryan: But not better than ours.
Jamie: I don’t know…
Ryan: Should we make a bet on it?
Jamie: What is it with you and making bets?
Ryan: Our love story began with a bet. A bet is the entire reason we met. If it weren’t for that bet, there’d be no us and that would be tragic.
Jamie: *sighs but refuses to acknowledge the truth in Ryan’s words* Okay, without any betting, let’s see who’s right. And the award goes to… *opens envelope* *smirks at Ryan* Brian and Ella from Cinder & Ella.
Ryan: *sighs, but then grins* That’s okay. We don’t need an award to love our meet-cute. I just need you.
Jamie: *rolls eyes*
Ella: *gets back on stage again and takes the award with a sheepish smile* Honestly, guys, I’m blown away, but this is getting a little embarrassing. Brian and I are going to need a moving van to haul all of these awards home. I actually thought Ryan and Jamie would win this one.
Brian: *scoffs* We had this one in the bag.
Ella: I don’t know. Ryan was right about that kiss. It was pretty epic.
Brian: Four words for you: Say car for me.
Ella: *cracks a smile* Okay, fine. You’re right. We deserve this one. But still, don’t you think it’s a little less exciting when one book sweeps an awards ceremony?
Brian: Honestly? *shrugs* Not when it’s ours.
Ella: *snorts* Nice.
Brian: Besides, we haven’t swept. Kyle won one too. *smirks at Kyle* Congrats, man. I guess you were right about bringing home a statue tonight.
Kyle: *flips Brian the middle finger* *it’s blurred out*
Ella: *elbows Brian* Be nice.
Brian: I was being nice. It’s polite to congratulate others on their wins. I mean it too. Kyle totally deserved that award. *smirks at Kyle again*
*this time camera doesn’t pan to Kyle but we all know he’s flipping Brian off again*
Ella: *sighs* Men. *smiles at audience* I know you’ve all heard me say it a million times already, but thank you. We loved our meet-cute, and we’re thrilled that you all loved it as much as us.
Brian: She’s right. You guys are awesome. And so are you, Kelly. Thank you for everything.
Post #16
Most Underrated.
Kenneth: Okay, folks, up next is one that for sure Brian and Ella won’t be taking home. This award is for the few books of Kelly’s that for one reason or another never performed as well as the others. That doesn’t mean these books are bad, which is why we’re highlighting them tonight. And here to introduce the Most Underrated Kelly Oram Book are Lily Rosemont and Noah Trask from The Starburst Effect. Welcome Lily and Noah!
Lily: Thanks, Kenneth. We’re happy to be here.
Noah: Definitely. This is…totally…totally…um…temperature.
Lily: He means cool. This is totally cool.
Noah: *points at Lily and nods in agreement*
Lily: So…Best Underrated. Kenneth’s right: underrated doesn’t mean bad. In fact, it means the opposite. It means that something is rated or valued too low. I don’t mind being in the underrated category, though. That just means that when someone takes a chance on us, they’re usually pleasantly surprised. I like the idea of being that hidden gem out there. I get it, too. The Starburst Effect is a hard sell.
Noah: Yeah. A lot of animals don’t like bully romance.
Lily: True, many people are off-put by that. And our meet-cute was anything but cute.
Noah: I was a total…complete…
Lily: Jerk?
Noah: Asshole.
Matt: That’s definitely worse than douche.
Lexie: Stop being the word police.
Matt: What? I’m just saying.
Lexie: Well don’t. We all know already. Just let the guy speak.
Noah: That was it. I was finished.
Lily: It’s true. That’s not a very family-friendly word, but it’s the right one. Noah really was that in the beginning of the book. But it didn’t last long. Actually, it was only the first chapter. After that, Noah was a completely different guy. That was kind of the point of the book. It’s definitely a redemption arc, but the romance part isn’t a “bully” romance. I’d say it’s more of a…
Noah: Second time.
Lily: Yeah, second chance romance works, I guess. Or maybe opposites attract?
Noah: But we’re not that different. We have a lot in carton.
Lily: True. Maybe it was more an enemies to lovers thing. Except you weren’t really my enemy after the accident, either. Honestly, I didn’t know what to make of you. I don’t think you can really put our story neatly into a single box. That’s actually probably why our book isn’t something people usually pick up without a glowing recommendation first. People have to be convinced to give us a try.
Noah: And we’re not along. There are quiet a few others in our same boat.
Lily: Yup and they’re all great for their own reasons. So let’s give them some of the recognition they deserve. First up, in no specific order, of course, is The Starburst Effect. Which we’ve now shamelessly plugged.
Noah: *grins* Sorry, not sorry.
Lily: Besides our book, the other top four finalists are, The Libby Garrett Intervention. You know, that’s also a redemption arc. I wonder if that has something to do with it. Personally, I love a good redemption arc. They’re always so moving.
Noah: Next is Date With a…a…uh…Rancher.
Lily: He means cowboy. The official title is Date with a Cowboy. Preston is a rancher, though.
Noah: I was close.
Lily: *smiles affectionately at her quirky boyfriend* Next we have The Ghost of You and Me.
Noah: I like that one. Goat stories are cool.
Lily: *snorts* The Ghost of You and Me isn’t really a ghost story though. I mean, yeah, there’s a ghost in it, and Spencer definitely steals the show, but magical realism aside, it just feels like a contemporary romance. A good one, though. Total tear-jerker.
Noah: You’ve got that…ri…ri… *grunts in frustration and holds up right hand* I bowled like a baby when I read it.
Lily: Me too. And our last finalist, which may have been my favorite, is Joni, Underway.
Noah: Yeah. That one’s good. Loved the characters.
Lily: Yeah, the eclectic mix of personalities was my favorite thing about Joni, Underway. Plus, you know, Captain Captain Reid. *fans self*
Noah: *rolls eyes*
Lily: I get Joni, Underway’s underrated status as well. It was co-written with Kelly’s husband and has a much different voice than Kelly’s other stuff. But it also had a depth to it that Kelly couldn’t have accomplished on her own.
Kelly: It’s true. Josh is more of a screen writer, but he’s got a way with words that I don’t necessarily have. He approaches a story totally different than I do. And he’s bolder. The characters in Joni, Underway are so fun because I generally play it safer than Josh. I love that about his writing. That said, our processes and our styles are so different, that after working together with our Jackie May pen name, we’ve decided we’re done with the co-writing thing. I’m going to continue writing books under Jackie May, but Josh is sticking with screenplays from here on out.
Lily: Aww, we’ll miss him. But we still love all of your stories, so please keep writing them.
Kelly: I don’t think I could stop if I tried. Too many stories and way too many voices in my head.
Lily: Good to hear. Let’s announce the winner, then, shall we?
Noah: *rubs hands together* Okay. The award for Best Underdressed—
Lily: Underrated.
Noah: *points at Lily* What she said. Best Underrated Kelly Oram Book is…
Lily: *reads card* *beams* The Starburst Effect!
Mason: Yes! Woohoo! I knew it!
Lily: *collects award and grins at audience*
Noah: *takes statue and Kisses Lily* Congrats.
Lily: You too. You earned it. I mean Russ and Ella complained that Kelly likes to torture them, but you went through hell too.
Noah: Turned out better for it.
Lily: Yeah. You did. I did too. Thank you, Kelly, for making us take this journey. We wouldn’t be the people we are today if we hadn’t gone through it. And thank you, members of the Academy. We’re honored.
Noah: We really are. This means the Earth to us. Tank you.
Lily: *smiles* Yeah. Tank you. And thank you too.
Post # 17
Best Picture
Kenneth: Okay, now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Possibly the most prestigious award given. The award for Best Kelly Oram Book. And here tonight to announce the five finalists are Cassie and Jared from Kelly’s one and only YA novella, Sixteen Kisses. They weren’t nominated for any of the awards because they technically don’t count as a novel, but we’re happy to have them here tonight.
Jared: And we’re happy to be here. Thanks for thinking of us. Especially for giving us the honor of announcing the Best Kelly Oram Book award.
Cassie: It makes sense. Ours is the only Kelly story that wasn’t nominated. We’re the most impartial. It’s still awesome though. Thanks for having us.
Jared: So Cassie, you’ve read all of Kelly’s books, right?
Cassie: Of course.
Jared: Which one’s your favorite?
Cassie: Oh, man. That’s a touch choice. Okay, I’m going to go off script here a little bit and go with the Nora Jacobs series, Kelly’s urban fantasy series from the Jackie May pen name. I love that whole world. I love the danger and the mystery, and all those scrumptious men. Those are fun books.
Jared: Figures a girl who needed sixteen kisses on her birthday would love a book with so many men.
Cassie: Ha ha. I didn’t need sixteen kisses. I only wanted one. The others were your fault. But, yeah, I don’t deny the appeal of having a whole bunch of hot dudes around me to drool over. Especially since they’re all so different. I love them all for different reasons. And the best part? I don’t have to choose one. I’m allowed to like them all. It’s encouraged even.
Jared: *rolls eyes* I don’t get the appeal. One girl is more than enough for me. No way could I juggle a whole harem.
Cassie: Then it’s a good thing I’m your only girl.
Jared: Good thing. But let’s say you have to choose one of the Kelly Oram books. Which one would it be?
Cassie: Hmm… I guess A is for Abstinence. Who doesn’t love a reformed bad boy?
Val: Mostly reformed. Still a trouble maker.
Cassie: That’s why I love him. And the romance is so fun, the way Kyle has to win Val over. I think it’s even sweeter because of everything they went through in V is for Virgin. It’s like finally, you know?
Kyle: I definitely know.
Cassie: *smirks* I’ll bet you do. Good job, though, Kyle. Way to be persistent.
Kyle: It was worth it.
Cassie: Yes, it was. Great book! Jared, which is your favorite?
Jared: I’m going with Scion. I’m an action guy. Kelly’s romances are fun and all, but I like it to be the B or even the C plot. The Supernaturals series as a whole is awesome, but Scion is the best. We finally get to see both sides come together, and I’m with Kelly. Russ Devereaux is her best character. Can’t help but feel for the guy though. What Kelly does to him in that book is pretty cruel.
Russ: I know, right? Sadistic.
Jared: *looks at Kelly and opens mouth to speak*
Kelly: Nope. Nu-uh. Don’t even think about it.
Jared: *closes mouth and frowns*
Cassie: *giggles* Maybe we should just announce the finalists.
Kelly: Good idea.
Jared: Okay, fine. The first finalist, in no particular order, is none other than my favorite, Scion. I told you it’s awesome.
Cassie: I’m happy for you. Our next one shouldn’t surprise anyone after the outcome of tonight’s awards. It’s Cinder & Ella.
Jared: And, of course, Happily Ever After makes the list as well.
Cassie: Rightfully so. It’s a solid sequel. Not as good as A is for Abstinence, but still good. The next up is Being Jamie Baker, which I’m totally on board with. Ryan Miller? Be still my beating heart. Such a charmer.
Jared: Hey. I’m charming.
Cassie: Hence the reason you’re my boyfriend.
Jared: *grins* Well it’s not my intelligence, my humor, or my looks, but I’ll take it.
Cassie: Don’t worry. It’s all those things too.
Jared: *smiles softly* Love you too little Cass. *kisses Cassie*
Cassie: *laughs* What number are we on now?
Jared: I lost count ages ago, but we should probably stop and announce the winner.
Cassie: Actually, we still have one more finalist. Last, but certainly not least, is The Starburst Effect.
Lily: Oh, hey! Yay! Does that mean we’re not underrated anymore?
Cassie: I don’t know. It’s still sold a lot less copies than most of Kelly’s books, but it definitely says something that despite the number of copies sold, it’s still one of Kelly’s top five. Those who’ve read it must really love it.
Lily: It’s all Noah. He was impossible not to fall for.
Mason: Nah, it was you too, Lily. For a sister, you’re not so bad.
Lily: Aww, thanks little man. You’re a pretty great bother.
Mason: I’m not little!
Cassie: Aww, he’s so cute!
Mason: *frowns*
Cassie: *winks at Mason*
Mason: *blushes*
Jared: Okay, the moment we’ve all been waiting for… The award for Best Kelly Oram Book is…
Cassie: To absolutely no one’s surprise…
Jared: Cinder & Ella! By a landslide.
Kelly: *takes the stage and accepts the award* Thanks everyone! And thank you so much for being here. For taking the time to vote, and especially for reading along with me as I tell these stories. My heart is so full. And I love that Cinder & Ella is so well loved. It has such a special place in my heart. Cinderella has always been my favorite fairy tale and I always wanted to do a retelling, I just had to wait until I had the perfect story to go with it. I’m not saying Cinder & Ella is perfect. Heaven knows I’m not that genius. But it’s definitely a book I’m proud of. Thank you for loving it as much as I do.
Post #18
Beauty and the Bachelor Cover Reveal
Alice: Hey! We’re back! How’d you love those awards? Fun right? It’s always a good time when hanging out with Kelly’s characters.
Kelly: Imagine having them live in your head all the time.
Matt: It’s no wonder you’re a little crazy.
Kelly: It’s a writer thing. We’re all a little quirky.
Alice: And we love you for it!
Dylan: So the awards may be over but we have a couple more things for you before we call it quits tonight. As promised, we’re unveiling the cover for Kelly’s next release, Beauty and the Bachelor!
Alice: What do you guys think? Super cute, right? Let’s get Vivian and Sebastian up here to tell you a little more about it.
Vivian: Thanks Alice! I’m so excited for your release today. I’m sure people are going to love it. Thanks for little Sebastian and me steal your spotlight for a minute.
Sebastian: We could have just let Kelly reveal this later. I thought we were done with all the TV appearances.
Vivian: This is totally different from all that. We’re just announcing our story, not film an entire reality show. It’s only going to take a minute.
Sebastian: I’m not sure I’m thrilled about our story going public.
Vivian: What? Why not?
Sebastian: Because it’s a Beauty and the Beast retelling wherein I have been labeled the Beast.
Vivian: But you’re such a handsome beast, and at least you weren’t Gaston.
Sebastian: *huffs*
Vivian: Don’t be so grumpy. People are going to love it. They’re going to love you.
Sebastian: I don’t want people to love me. Just you.
Vivian: Well then our story definitely needs to be released. If nobody reads it, did it really happen?
Sebastian: Well, we’re here tonight, so what does that tell you?
Vivian: That Kelly’s so excited about sharing our story that she’s letting us join the world early.
Sebastian: Fine. But if I have to show up on our release day, there’d better be tacos.
Vivian: Of course there’ll be tacos. And now that you mention it, I’m starving. Want to get some tacos after we’re done?
Sebastian: Only if we can get them in Mexico.
Vivian: I’m game. Make it happen. *grins at audience* He’s a billionaire. I didn’t marry him for his money, but I have to admit, the private jet is amazing. And since I’m hungry and now I have to fly to Mexico before I can get some tacos, let me just leave you with the summary of the book really quick. In case you haven’t already figured it out, the book is Beauty and the Beast meets The Bachelor. Here’s the summary.
Thanks to a stipulation in his late father’s will, billionaire CEO Sebastian Monroe has one year to find a wife he loves who loves him back, or he will lose control of his family’s company. The change could destroy the company and the lives of all its employees. Desperate to save his company, Sebastian reluctantly agrees to be the next bachelor on the hit reality tv show Marry Me.
Sebastian’s not known for being charming or social, and he has little patience for most women. He has no idea how he’s supposed to fall in love with one of the simpering, fame and fortune seeking contestants the show has picked out. Especially not when his attention has been snagged by the show’s beautiful, feisty lead wardrobe specialist.
Vivian Euling has landed the job of a lifetime as lead wardrobe specialist for the reality dating show Marry Me, and is able to get her best friends (twin stepsisters of the famous Ella and Brian Oliver) as contestants on the show. When tragedy strikes the twins’ family, they are contractually obligated to stay, and the show isn’t going to let them go to be with their family.
Sebastian, seeing the opportunity to date the woman he can’t get out of his head, gets the show to make the girls a deal: If Vivian takes the twins’ place on the show as a contestant, the twins will be released from their contract.
Vivian: Sounds fun, right? I can’t wait. The book’s set to drop June 10th and is up for preorder now on Amazon. (It’ll hit the other retailers soon.) Here’s the link: your calendars, but don’t forget to get your copy of Alice in La La Land. It’s out now, so you can start reading it immediately!
Sebastian: Have fun and happy reading!
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All Cassie Caldwell wants for her sixteenth birthday is to finally be kissed. When Cassie’s older brother and his best friend—the lovable, sexy cowboy, Jared—discover her secret, Jared takes it upon himself to make sure her birthday wish comes true.
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